Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri
Dec 27, 20227 Min Read
Nadi Dosh and Marriage -DKSCORE

Understanding Nadi Dosh in Vedic Astrology and its Impact on Marriage

Marriage is denoted by 7th house as this is the house which completes as 7th house from any house is a desire for any planet so for Lagna the desire is of being 7th house so i can gain something from the partner.

Why we require partner in life ? why is it important to get married and not just live in a society which promotes the free live in relationship ? What is the sanctity of marriage ?

Reason being is that if you will not meet other part of your soul who is holding the key for your Journey, how you are going to move to 8th house of transformation and 9th house of Dharam.

You have to choose a partner to live in as when you get in physical relationship with anyone, you are taking energy on another level- Sexual intercourse is not only for your body pleasure or to make kids, It is also a process to deeply go in to a state of bliss for a moment by raising your energy to a high level of excitement but most of the times energy of human beings are in lower kendras of body to feel the skin to complete the lust for 2 minutes while the chapter in Kamasutra talks about raising and gaining the energy from intercourse rather than dissipating it but this is done through a process of controlled breathing, toxication and going in another realms while enjoying the process but very this is never taught through schools and sex being a matter of taboo is never discussed so this is now a fading science as kamasutra is moreover a matter of intimate poses and painting in terms of west — A narrative which has been sold out to west.

Now when the 7th house is your shakti who is going to make you or break you- and this is what i will explain you with the help of two examples below in the article but when you get intimate with another person at that very moment you are either on your way to go up in life and bhayga is going to rise in several matters or either your bhagya is going to get severely afflicted and your bad days are starting soon that is why getting intimate with certain person can affect your luck badly.

There is a story of a Indian princely state where a Maharaj when slept with one of the servant and soon after his health got severely afflicted and a ex-minister who kept one of the maids as his wife even when she was not blessed with looks but this was the requirement of his chart to stay in power as power he was deriving from her was the cause of his bhagya of power and in first case his moment of lust has drained King of all vitality leading to health issues.

This is why there is a sanctity of marriage and varna, dharma, caste is so strictly followed in Hindus but as in metropolitan cities now a days, people hardly follow any of these and that is why there are so many issues coming up- Even when match making the ashtkoot Milan where 8 points are given to Nadi matching has forgot the essence of it and rather than focusing on the reason, astrologers focuses on a pre made table and super legendary ones on the software rather than weather native will gain power or lose power when these two people will meet.

Nadi Milan is given 8 points which is highest among the all factors and it holds a key to match two individual and deciding weather these two can live together for life or not and what an astrologer should look in nadi matching is, If these two can complete each other or not.

As an example Ashwini and Jyestha cannot be matched and will be considered as Nadi dosh as both belongs to Aadi nadi and due to lot of Vaat in body which is airy in nature there is nothing these two will gain from each other.

Secondly Jyestha which is ruled by Indra has always opposed Ashwini kumars that these two do not deserve to be gods and enjoy same privilege so if these two people marry there will be struggle for power and importance in life but at the same time Moon in Jyestha is shunned by Jupiter or Saturn conjunction where the qualities of Indra is not aggressive and not coming out and the nakshatra of Sun is more dominant as person is more of Soul based rather than Mind based person so this dictum will fail now and let suppose the Sun is in Swati nakshatra which is where Indra will derive its power and helps Indra in moving in life then these two people are compatible.

Secondly until and unless astrologer can determine the nadi by eating habits and lifestyle, You cannot just pick up the chart based on Moon nakshatra and decide the fate of two people as what if the case is reverse that Moon is matching but not working and this why couples will have issues after marriage.

7th house is what and how your partner can give you so you two can conquer the world rather than fighting like dogs and cats everyday or making each other’s life a mess, A partner will empower you by providing you the energy which you require in life and that is why people use to marry to achieve a energy which was missing from their life and it will be transferred via your Moon, ASC or Sun whichever is absorbing more energy- There are some people who live in present, Very practical and has very strong earthy energy- These are practical people and work from Ascendant nakshatra.

People who works from Soul and carry their life unknowingly as these people also don’t know their own greatness in life as it is difficult to understand the requirements of Soul as soul does not speaks to you, It only behaves like a small child who is searching for something which he also don’t know and this is governed by Sun. These are people who do crazy things in life such as taking sanyas, doing rituals and doing things which they don’t like but are essential for upliftment of soul.

Then there are people who work on basis of Moon Nakshatra who learns things as they grow up, get influenced by people around them and then try to manifest things based on experiences of Moon and these people moreover are focused on how i can enjoy life, how I can get more resources in life, what else can be done to live in a better way?

So depending on which level the person is also judged by eating habits aptitude and then you should judge what is the weakness of this nakshatra and who can complete him or her ? What energy the native will gain after marrying the other person such as If a person who has Kritika nakshatra active will be more compatible with Ashlesha Nakshatra as Kritika is a straight forward nakshatra with power of Agni and leadership where Kritika focuses on Power, Ashlesha focuses on Plan and if these two met it will be wonderful match for the native.

Similarly one of the dictums of tantra says if a person with Sun in Magha (Read -PAST LIFE & SUN)nakshatra sleeps with partner with a person who is Brahmin or does brahmin works will lose his power and position.

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Read my other article on decoding Pending karma & Lal Kitab & Charkarakas

Life Partner & Love Life -Finding Love in matching charts. — YouTube

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Deepanshu Giri

Deepanshu Giri

He is an engineer having completed his Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Deepanshu Giri is an Underwater Robotics Supervisor who has ser ...Read More

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