Nipun Joshi
Nipun Joshi
Aug 2, 20245 Min Read
Rahu and Ketu Transit to Pisces - Virgo Effects for Scorpio to Pisces Ascendants -DKSCORE

Pisces - Virgo Rahu and Ketu Transit: Impact on Scorpio to Pisces Ascendants


Scorpio Lagna


For Scorpio Lagna, Rahu will transit in your fifth house and Ketu will transit in your eleventh house. This transit could be more sensitive from the perspective of Rahu since the fifth house originally belongs to the Sun, which is an arch-enemy of Rahu. The eleventh house, originally associated with Aquarius and ruled by Saturn, generally gives good results. Ketu, often symbolized as a hoisted flag, brings a lot of heights and wish fulfillment when placed in the eleventh house. This transit generally suggests more vulnerability from Rahus side for Scorpio Lagna.


One potential impact is an obsession with forcing change in your life and escaping responsibilities through hedonism. The fifth house is crucial as it is the eighth house from the tenth house and also governs your mind. Rahus transit in the fifth house could make you obsessed with bringing change in your life, especially if you are unhappy with your current circumstances. This could also lead to escaping responsibilities through hedonistic pleasures like affairs, alcohol, and extravagance.


Ketus favorable placement in the eleventh house can bring political gains or coveted positions, particularly if your natal planets are well-placed, and you are running through favorable Dasha periods. It’s also a good time for students pursuing technical education and professionals in creative fields, spirituality, fantasy, and mysticism.


Be aware of rumors, gossips, and conspiracy theories, especially while dealing with partners or children. Rahus placement in the fifth house can make you susceptible to misinformation. Additionally, many will be drawn towards extreme ideologies, fan clubs, and groups, and the desire for big financial gains is strong during this transit.


Sagittarius Lagna


For Sagittarius Lagna, Rahu will transit in your fourth house, and Ketu will transit in your tenth house. This transit will reward you for the work done in the past and bring critical changes that will prove beneficial in the long term. Previously, Jupiter was conjunct with Rahu in your fifth house, creating blockages in expanding your family, education, and creative work. Now, with Rahu’s transit, these issues will start to resolve.


It’s a good time for seeking residency in a foreign land. Rahu in the fourth house, a water sign like Pisces, promotes foreign settlement. This transit will also bring insecurities and fears of losing loved ones, and people around you may act secretive. You might feel isolated in your family life.


This period is beneficial for people in professions like archaeology, spiritualism, history, research, and any unusual work. Ketus transit in the tenth house can bring recognition and success in these fields.


Capricorn Lagna


For Capricorn Lagna, Rahu will transit in your third house, and Ketu in your ninth house. This transit heightens your confidence and faith in your capabilities, allowing you to kick-start many dream projects. Rahu’s presence in the third house is very strengthened and beneficial.


You will attract very critical and unconventional mentors who will challenge your ego. These mentors will bring valuable lessons and guidance. Additionally, blessings and support from family, parents, and loved ones are expected, and gains on family assets and paternal properties are likely.


This transit enhances your ability to influence society at large with your writing, speaking, and information exchange. It’s a good period for influencers, foreign diplomats, and performing artists.


Aquarius Lagna


For Aquarius Lagna, Rahu will transit in your second house, and Ketu in your eighth house. This transit can bring huge gains and growth for people engaged in Rahu-related professions like electronics, communication, travel business, international trade, and more. The second house is the house of income, and Rahu’s presence there signifies potential financial gains.


There are immense possibilities for divine insight and breakthroughs for researchers, occult practitioners, and people in scientific studies. Ketu’s transit in the eighth house enhances psychic awareness and intuition.


Justice will be served in immediate family-related matters, and any ongoing family disputes will find resolution. The consumption of food, drinks, and information needs to be monitored, as Rahu’s influence in the second house can lead to indulgence in unhealthy habits.


Being disciplined, religious, and guarding your energies is crucial as the karmic grip will be tight on you. Saturn’s strengthened placement in your first house further emphasizes the importance of maintaining spiritual and ethical practices.


Pisces Lagna


For Pisces Lagna, Rahu will transit in your first house, and Ketu in your seventh house. This transit is sensitive as it involves balancing your identity with others. There is a strong possibility of getting deceived in good faith, especially with Saturn’s influence in your twelfth house. Be cautious in your dealings to avoid scams or deceit.


Finances will experience a boost, and many long-awaited financial projects will progress smoothly. Any ongoing family issues will be amicably resolved. However, you may feel uncertain while making big decisions due to the conflicting influences of Saturn and Jupiter.


This is a good time for people in typical Jupiterian fields like teaching, preaching, financing, and foreign diplomacy. Your influence will increase, and your public image will be enhanced. However, be mindful of health-related concerns.


Painful lessons may be experienced within marriage, especially if the relationship lacks spiritual or ethical foundations. If the matrimonial bond is strong and righteous, these lessons will bring you closer. Otherwise, the relationship may face significant challenges.


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