May 18, 20245 Min Read
Rahu Ketu Transit to Pisces-Virgo Axis: Detailed Analysis and Predictions for All Ascendants -DKSCORE

Rahu-Ketu Transit Analysis: Pisces-Virgo Impact on All Ascendants



The transit of Rahu and Ketu is a significant astrological event that occurs once every 18 months. On October 30th, 2023, Rahu transited from Aries to Pisces, and Ketu moved from Libra to Virgo. This transit impacts all ascendants differently based on the placement of these shadow planets in their birth charts. This article provides a detailed analysis of the impact of this transit on each ascendant.


Understanding Rahu and Ketu


Rahu and Ketu are not physical planets but are considered shadow planets in Vedic astrology. They always move in a retrograde motion. Rahu represents obsession, illusion, and material desires, while Ketu signifies detachment, spirituality, and past karma. During transit, they take on the qualities of the zodiac signs they occupy and influence the respective houses in the birth chart.


Key Dates


Mean Node Transit Date: October 30, 2023


True Node Transit Date: November 28, 2023


For practical purposes, the impact is often observed from the mean node transit date.


General Effects of Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo


Rahu in Pisces


Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and is associated with spirituality, peace, and happiness. Rahu in Pisces creates an urge to find happiness and fulfillment, often through spiritual means. However, Rahu's nature may lead to a false sense of spirituality driven by material desires.


Ketu in Virgo


Virgo, ruled by Mercury, represents detail, analysis, and daily routines. Ketu in Virgo compels a deep analysis of one's life, focusing on health, daily activities, and unresolved issues. This transit encourages letting go of unnecessary burdens and finding true happiness.


Predictions for All Ascendants


Aries Ascendant


Rahu in 12th House: Signifies expenses, losses, and spirituality. Be cautious of travel scams and financial investments. An increased interest in spirituality and foreign travels may arise.


Ketu in 6th House: Focuses on health, daily routine, and competitions. Avoid taking on new debts and legal issues. Surgery might be necessary for unresolved health issues.


Taurus Ascendant


Rahu in 11th House: Promotes material gains, fulfilling desires, and expanding professional networks. Excellent for career growth.


Ketu in 5th House: Advises careful management of relationships with children and love interests. Focus on creativity and mantra practice.


Gemini Ascendant


Rahu in 10th House: Indicates significant career advancements and opportunities. Stay practical and avoid shortcuts. There may be a relocation due to career changes.


Ketu in 4th House: May cause mental stress and changes in domestic life. Take care of mother's health and manage family relationships carefully.


Cancer Ascendant


Rahu in 9th House: Brings a focus on spirituality, higher education, and long-distance travel. Maintain honesty to activate luck.


Ketu in 3rd House: Encourages deep analysis of relationships with siblings and short travels. Watch for health issues in the shoulders and neck.


Leo Ascendant


Rahu in 8th House: Signifies sudden events, health issues, and financial challenges. Avoid secretive actions and focus on health.


Ketu in 2nd House: Focuses on financial matters, family, and food habits. Manage speech and avoid unnecessary financial risks.


Virgo Ascendant


Rahu in 7th House: Emphasizes marriage, partnerships, and spouse-related matters. Avoid third-party temptations and manage business dealings cautiously.


Ketu in 1st House: Encourages self-analysis and personal growth. Meditation can help manage stress and confusion.


Libra Ascendant


Rahu in 6th House: Positively impacts health, daily routine, and competitions. Great for career growth and overcoming obstacles.


Ketu in 12th House: Promotes spirituality and reduced material desires. Watch for health issues and manage expenses carefully.


Scorpio Ascendant


Rahu in 5th House: Enhances creativity and love life. Be cautious with investments and manage relationships with children carefully.


Ketu in 11th House: Encourages detachment from social circles and professional networks. Avoid financial risks and focus on personal growth.


Sagittarius Ascendant


Rahu in 4th House: Impacts domestic environment, mental peace, and real estate. Manage emotions and family relationships carefully.


Ketu in 10th House: Indicates changes in career and professional life. Avoid impulsive decisions and focus on long-term goals.


Capricorn Ascendant


Rahu in 3rd House: Boosts communication, courage, and new initiatives. Be cautious of scams and protect personal data.


Ketu in 9th House: Promotes spirituality and learning. Be careful with health and avoid risky activities.


Aquarius Ascendant


Rahu in 2nd House: Affects family, finances, and food habits. Manage speech and financial decisions carefully.


Ketu in 8th House: Brings sudden changes and challenges. Focus on health and manage relationships wisely.



Pisces Ascendant


Rahu in 1st House: Encourages personal growth and setting new goals. Avoid unrealistic expectations and manage ego issues.


Ketu in 7th House: Affects relationships and partnerships. Maintain good relationships and avoid being overly critical.




The transit of Rahu and Ketu on the Pisces-Virgo axis brings significant changes and challenges for all ascendants. Understanding these influences can help in navigating this period more effectively. Focus on personal growth, maintain honest relationships, and make wise decisions to benefit from this transit.

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