JOA with its present role of enhancing knowledge , updating findings and of consultations is in for some modifications. It now aims to provide multiple opportunities . A rare chance is being offered to the site visitors to be a part of the creations and revelations that are going on in the Institute of Astrology , Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan .
With the publication of a record number of research oriented books and the shift of the prime focus to instil an environment of creativity and research , fundamental research has become the hall mark of the Institute. This huge data of research created ,by far, is unparalleled . Mr.K.N.Rao turned his findings after twenty years to bring out his brilliant research on Char Dasha which is being widely used and has taken the success rate of astrological predictions much higher than what it was before the publication of this research.. Such innovations have been grounded in the culture of the research being undertaken under the guidance of many teachers and this foundation is getting stronger day after day.
A noteworthy research published recently is the book Predict through Jamini’s Navamsha Dasha by Sachin Malhotra . Sachin, a young researcher with proven capabilities had joined the research after passing out in 2007 . He soared to dizzy heights of success in a short time. He is responsive and we can expect more brilliant output from him in the times to come. Research What is unique about the research here ? It is continuous and collective . There are about 180 students enrolled for the research classes alone and they are active participants. Another 2500 who have passed the two years course form small streams that contribute to the ongoing research.
Kantak Evam Ashtam Shani (Saturn in the 4th and 8th houses from Moon): – A Balanced Vew
This is a group research under guidance of Mr.K.N. Rao .It was presented by researchers on 19th April 2009 in a seminar held at Chinmaya Mission ,New Delhi . The presentation had the conviction and could establish that simply on basis of 4th house Saturn or 8th house Saturn it is wrong to give predictions . The research is easy to follow and is replicable . A book is intended after greater in depth observations and newer research .This research definitely made the audience rethink about what television and website astrology is stuffing in their minds .
In 2001 our book Saadhe Saati – A Balanced View could remove some of the superstitions and wrong notions so did the book on Kaal Sarpa Yoga – Why such fright. . It is planned to bring most of the research in PDF for easy access . It is also proposed to invite the comments and suggestions of readers on them through mails to broaden the research and make it more meaningful.
Remedial Measures
Often ,people fall into their self created pits. It could be out of frustration from failures, ego , denial of sense gratifications or any other reason. With money and power available to them they do not wish to hear NO as an answer. They are unable to tolerate anyone or anything coming in between them and what they aspire .They look for quick solutions in astrology –upayas and fall as easy prey to the unscrupulous self-styled astrology advisors. They are lured to compromise with their principles and situations that results in their getting deeper and deeper into the pit of depression . Either they forget or could never understand that the only solution is to shed materialistic cravings , sacrifice and stand up to principles and righteousness .We do not endorse stones and upayas and believe that prayers in any form help . Recitation of mantras in the right earnest and doing good karmas can only alleviate one from sufferings and this and only such karmas can make one pat oneself during the dying days .
Genuine astrological consultation can do a lot of good It not only can facilitate choice of education, marriage , career and a gamut of decision making but can take one closer to righteousness , spirituality and the ultimate . The indication of the good and adverse periods of life can guide one to plan life better .The percentage of correct predictions go up when well founded methodology is adopted with sound techniques . However ,failed predictions do exist and are at times due to incorrect birth data and sometime due to an error in assessment , perhaps when both the Astrologer and the consultant is going through adverse dashas We offer astrological consultations through mails and on phone also based on the birth details . If one is sure about the time of birth we can give predictions based on the Jaimin’s Navamsha dasha for precision. If one is not certain about the time of birth queries can be answered through Prashna Shastra.