Prash Trivedi
Prash Trivedi
Dec 30, 202322 Min Read
Shravana Nakshatra by Prash Trivedi -DKSCORE

Exploring the Mysteries of Shravana Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology with Prash Trivedi

10° 00’ Makara – 23° 20’ Makara In the Sky

Shravana, apex of lunar energy, is represented in celestial firmament by three bright stars in constellation known as Aquila (Eagle). In modern astronomy these stars are known as Alpha Aquilae (Altair), Beta Aquilae (Alshain) & Gamma Aquilae (Tarazed). These three stars can be seen huddled together on top of constellation of Makara. Altair, having a visual magnitude of 0.93, is one of brightest objects in night sky, making Shravana a very easily visible asterism. According to Puranic legends, these stars correspond to three steps taken by Vishnu in his Vamana-avatar.


”Shravana” translates into two very unrelated terms - ”hearing” and ”one who limps”. Limping meaning is in obvious reference to Vishnu’s three steps (please refer to story below in esoteric section), while ”hearing” as we shall discover, forms crux of what this asterism is all about.

Its alternative name is ”Ashvatha”, a term used for sacred Pipal tree (Ficus Religiose). In Vedic texts, this tree is always given extraordinary significance. It is worthwhile to mention that Buddha received enlightenment meditating under this tree.


There are three main symbols for this Nakshatra. One is a ”row of three uneven footsteps”, which as we can see from Nakshatra’s image, are represented by its constituent stars. These three steps were supposed to be taken by Vishnu in one of his incarnations, purpose of which was to establish order in Universe through restoration of heaven to gods and earth to human beings. We will discuss this story in more detail when we discuss esoteric aspect of this asterism. These three steps can be seen as threefold law through which cosmic intelligence maintains order in Universe. Nature, as we know, operates in three modes, and this threefold law relates to three interactions between these modes.

A ”trident” is alternative symbol of this asterism, which once again reiterates this asterism’s connection to number 3. Most numerologists know that 3 is number of communication and is energy responsible for establishing order in Universe. This is why all ancient cultures had three main deities responsible for overlooking universal affairs.

An ”ear” is a commonly used symbol for this asterism, which we can see is derived directly from its name. Communication aspect of this asterism is therefore more focused on listening than speaking. Listening is one and only way one can learn anything. To emphasize this aspect, some wise men assigned three ears as its symbol. Reader can see that in Nakshatras image tree is ”full of ears”. In ancient Indian Vedic tradition, knowledge was orally transmitted and so Shruti, power of listening, automatically became most important quality an individual could possess. It is because of these oral transmissions that Vedic knowledge is available today in its pristine state. From this we can conjure that this asterism has a lot to do with preservation, in keeping with nature of Rasi it falls in. When a native has a strong Shravana influence in their horoscope, astrologer can safely advise that person to learn to listen more to others, or pay attention to one’s inner voice in order to grow or progress in life.


Vishnu, preserver among Trinity, is main presiding deity of this asterism. His relationship with this Nakshatra is already established from symbolism and mythology associated with this Nakshatra. It is because of this strong relationship with Vishnu that this Nakshatra gets its strong organizational ability, which is normally associated with Rasi Makara. In keeping with Vishnu’s nature, this Nakshatra likes to bring order through tact and cleverness and in many a case, through any which way possible. It allows one to be able to listen, assimilate and contemplate on a problem to arrive at solution. Like Vishnu, this asterism does not believe in hurrying with things and is ready to sit and wait until time is ripe.

Saraswati, goddess of learning, is also strongly associated with this Nakshatra, even though very few scholars acknowledge this fact. This Nakshatra is not all about listening. It is also related to speech and ability to put learning into words. Someone has to speak for someone to listen! This relationship with Saraswati connects this Nakshatra to use and study of languages, music and a fascination for all media connected with education.

Nature & Functioning

On a positive level, Shravana is an amicable Nakshatra, which tries to be reasonable and keep its peace with its surroundings. It is calculative, but in its higher expression this calculativeness does not have selfish motivations. Even its stubborn, unyielding nature is directed towards a higher cause in its positive aspect. It is a persevering Nakshatra which doesn’t like to leave things in middle or undone. This is probably reason why it is said that any activity started in this Nakshatra always reach its completion.

In its negative aspect, all its qualities like perseverance, shrewdness and knowledge are used for purely selfish means. Its power to listen, learn and teach meaningful things is usually lost in gossip, backbiting and manipulation. Since it is a very goal oriented Nakshatra, it becomes dangerous when its goals are unwholesome and unethical. Narrow-mindedness is one of strong traits to emerge out of negative functionings of this Nakshatra. This Nakshatra requires toning down of ego, as listening without preconceptions is only way to learn. There is always a danger with this Nakshatra, that a person under its influence may not always learn right things. A person born under a strong influence of this asterism should always be very careful of company they keep. There is always some foolhardiness attached with Shravana. Native can easily fall prey to deception and bad advice.

In its highest level of functioning, this asterism relates to acquiring universal knowledge and applying it to bring about order in material world. It usually bestows very strong powers of erudition and sagacity. Oratory and other forms of lecturing come naturally and effortlessly to such natives. In present times, much of organizational ability of this Nakshatra has been used for destructive and degenerative ends. This asterism is connected to all forms of media and in today’s world most of media is used for propagating falsehood, lies and devoluting influences.

Shravana is a socially active Nakshatra which revels in public dealings. It has a very business like approach to things, even though maintaining cordiality is its primary objective. If this Nakshatra is rising on Lagna, person is likely to be mature in their approach, cunning, well mannered and receptive with an alert look. Appearance is a mix of moony softness and saturnine rigidity. Such people are usually clever in conversation and are skilled at putting others at ease quickly. In present day and age, most of them can be seen spending a whole lot of time on telephone! Whether a native under influence of this Nakshatra will listen more or speak more, depends upon Graha posited in this asterism. For example, if Sani is posited in this Nakshatra, one will tend to listen more and may find speaking difficult, while a person who has Mangal placed in this Nakshatra can be quite a chatterbox, but may not be well-versed in art of listening.

Philosophical and religious attitudes which rely heavily upon phrases like ”Word is God…” and ”In beginning, there was word, from which arose everything else...”, corresponds to this Nakshatra’s line of thinking. It is true that ”Om” (or Aum) was first sound at beginning of creation, but it is important to remember that seed of Universe lay in a silent state before that. "Word” is not ”god”, but just one of many expressions of ultimate causative principle, commonly known as ”god”.

Downfall of this Nakshatra usually lies in excessive generosity which leads to debts and poverty. It can also make enemies through bigotry, narrow-mindedness or extreme ethical stances. This Nakshatra is not favorable for having and raising children. This seems to hold true in charts where this asterism falls in 5th Bhava. When Lagna or Chandr is placed in this asterism, or it is placed in 5th Bhava, or 5th Lord is placed in this asterism, it usually denotes few children and native derives little happiness from them. On contrary, they are always a source of anxiety for them.

In universal scheme of things, Shravana relates to ”Apradhrishya Shakti” - power to give permanent victory. Its symbolism has achievable goals above, and strength to achieve those goals below. This imagery is self explanatory. Only thing worth mentioning is that this strength is not personal strength, but collective strength, which comes about due to an alliance with higher forces of good, when one is wholeheartedly and unselfishly trying to establish righteousness over unrighteousness.

Mode of Functioning

It is supposed to be a passive Nakshatra. Its passivity relates to fact that it is receptive and takes time to listen to others. In fact, much of its organizational skill comes from a passive approach to things. It tends to let things organize themselves rather than poke its head into process too much.


Its caste is Mleccha (outcaste). It might surprise some that this amicable and worldly Nakshatra should be regarded as an outcaste. Thing to note here is that this Nakshatra was in some way connected with lower capricornian type working class in ancient times. It was related to people who had to basically listen to orders and carry them out. On higher levels, this Nakshatra relates to individuals who listen to and follow inner voice without caring much for social order of their times, which again puts them in an outcaste category!


It is a male Nakshatra. This can easily be seen from fact that its primary ruling deity is Vishnu, one of three bearers of masculine principle. It carries a sense of objectivity, a very masculine quality. It does have a soft, feminine side to it, since Saraswati, one of three main feminine archetypes, is also connected with it. Saraswati’s feminine principle again relates to logic, reason and learning, but her influence imparts some sensitivity.

Body Parts & Humor

Primary body parts it relates to are ears and sex organs. In our view, it can be seen as primary indicator of ear and secondary indicator of sex organs. Considering its symbol and imagery, its relationship with ears comes as no surprise. Besides being organs of listening, ears are balancing organs for body. This again highlights balanced nature of this asterism. Its relationship with sexual organs is mainly connected to its connection with procreation as a means of preservation.

Shravana is also related to one’s gait. Makara, as we know, is Rasi related to gait, but it is only Shravana part of it which relates to gait. Any affliction to this Nakshatra can result in limping or lameness, especially if Lords of 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th Bhava are involved.

It is a primarily ”Kapha” (watery) Nakshatra, due to its strong relationship with Chandr.


Its primary Direction are South and North-West.


First Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13° 20’ Makara) falls in Mesha Navamsa and is therefore ruled by Mangal. Someone born under this Pada expresses an underlying martian quality in relation to Nakshatra, which is expressed as logic, initiative and a career conscious or ambitious approach.

Second Pada of this asterism (13° 20’ - 16° 40’ Makara falls) in Vrisabha Navamsa, ruled by Sukr. Therefore venusian qualities such as diplomacy, tact and courtesy, are dominant influences in way this Nakshatra expresses itself. This Pada corresponds to Pushkara Navamsa and any Graha posited in this Pada will give best results as far as this asterism is concerned. This Pada relates to those involved in organizational aspects of entertainment industry, especially music business.

Third Pada of this asterism (16° 40’ - 20° 00’ Makara) falls in Mithuna Navamsa, ruled by Budh. This Pada brings out part of Shravana which is flexible, cunning, versed in speech and conversation and eager to learn. This Pada relates to those working in mass-media and other communication oriented occupations.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (20° 00’ - 23° 20’ Makara) falls in Karkataka Navamsa, ruled by Chandr. This Pada brings out part of Shravana which is receptive, sympathetic and understanding. It is most mass-oriented Pada of this asterism, and thus relates most to those holding important public offices or those in lunar occupations, like hoteliers etc.


Teachers, preachers and educators in all fields; scholars, students and all those associated with universities; linguists, language translators and interpreters; story tellers and narrators; comedians; those involved in music business and recording industry (mainly producers and sound technicians); telephone operators and all those earning their livelihood by some kind of phone job; those involved in preservation of ancient traditions and those pursuing classical studies; those involved in organizational capacities in big and small corporations; gossip columnists, news broadcasters, talk show hosts and others involved in radio / TV business; modern day counselors, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychologists; radio operators in different fields (even those who are involved in catching signals from other civilizations in galaxy!); travel agents and all those involved in transportation and tourism industry; those working in hotel / restaurant business; on a higher level, healers and practitioners of holistic medicine, and on a lower level, those involved with allopathy, hospitals and medical profession in general; those connected with charitable organizations, clubs and societies.


Universities; libraries; schools; colleges; public auditoriums and other places of public gatherings; recording studios; hospitals; telephone companies; basically all places connected to above mentioned professions.

Guna & Tatva

It is a primarily Rajasic Nakshatra. This means that it is active on worldly plane. This activity can be motivated either by universal interests or purely selfish interests, depending upon evolutionary level of soul in question. This is a good Nakshatra for attaining wealth and worldly accomplishments in general. If a person under a strong influence of this asterism is poor, one can infer that this poverty is self inflicted, rather than being fated.

Its element is air, which again emphasizes communication aspect of this Nakshatra. It usually relates well to fire Nakshatras like Uttaraphalguni etc.


It is a godly Nakshatra. This is evident since Vishnu, harbinger of all godly qualities, presides over this asterism. This relates to its gentle, kind, amicable, liberal-minded, prosperous, reasonable and sociable nature. Shravana natives always think twice about doing harm to others and are not prone to take lead in any sort of cruelty.

Orientation & Disposition

It is an upward looking Nakshatra. This relates to its expansive attitude in relation to life in general. After all, Vishnu took three very expansive steps (refer to story in esoteric section) to take away control of all three worlds from Bali (demon king). This expansiveness in today’s world tends to boil down to ambition.

This is a moveable Nakshatra. This is thus a Nakshatra which promotes travel, mostly in relation to career. A lot of natives under its strong influence go touring as part of their job, which may involve lecturing and teaching. Natives may enjoy hotel / tourism side of travelling with this Nakshatra placement.

Lunar Month & Tithi

Its energies correspond to first 9 days of lunar month of Shravan. This period usually corresponds to month of August in solar calendar.

Shravana is also related to Tritiya (3rd Tithi) of waxing and waning phases of Chandr’s monthly cycle.

Auspicious Activities

Religious rituals and performances; beginning new ventures; entering a new house or buying property; medical actions and remedial measures; taking preventive measures of all kinds; listening to advice (listening in general); social interactions and public involvement; learning, study of languages and classical traditions; reading and writing; music, philosophy & meditation; good for sexual activity; making peace; organizing in general; making and taking herbs and medicines; politics; purchasing new clothes, items and equipment for home or business; initiations in spiritual learning; giving and receiving counseling; important phone calls; favorable for travel, especially towards its ruling directions; taking a new name; humanitarian actions in general; worship of Vishnu or Saraswati.

Inauspicious Activities

Unfavorable for aggressive, uncertain or risky activities such as lawsuits, wars etc.; not good for creative activities involving manual work; not good for lending, making promises, oaths etc.; not good for putting an end to things, like demolishing old structures; not good for worshipping fierce deities like Rudra, it is not considered favorable for marriage ceremonies or adopting children.


Chandr and Sani are two Grahas governing this Nakshatra. Chandr is Nakshatra’s main planetary Lord and Sani rules Makara, Rasi that it falls in. Chandr relates to receptive and gentle part of Shravana, while Sani relates to its persevering and organizational aspect.

Both Chandr and Sani are intimately connected with masses and mass mentality. This is where this Nakshatra gets its ability to influence mass opinions. This is probably reason why a lot of politicians are under a strong influence of this Nakshatra. 10th Bhava, which has a similar energy to Shravana, bestows position and influence so that one may educate masses in universal values and truths. In today’s world, however, where majority among masses are ignorant and leaders dumb and selfish, only negative aspects of this Nakshatra come to life. In its higher aspect, it relates to dissemination of universal truths and knowledge through entertaining and easy to understand Vedic epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana.

Lunar energy attains completion in Shravana. In numerology, 2 is considered to be Chandr’s number. Shravana is 22nd asterism and double 2’s signify summation of lunar energy. This means that all best and worst of lunar qualities are expressed through this Nakshatra. Due to its extreme receptivity, error in judgment is very likely with this Nakshatra. Other negative lunar traits like changeability, vacillation, imaginary fears and phobias are also seen in their extreme expression here. Only in evolved souls, positive lunar qualities of universal compassion, motherly nurturing and complete receptivity to universal mind are witnessed.

Chandr in Makara, Sani in Karkataka or Chandr - Sani together in any Rasi or Bhava, are placements and combinations which carry an energy similar to that of Shravana.

Chandr, Sani, Mangal, Budh and Sukr do well in Shravana. Sukr, however, can make one too materialistic unless there are other elevating factors.

Vowels & Alphabets

First Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13° 20’ Makara) corresponds to ”Ju” as in Jupiter or Justin.

Second Pada of this asterism (13° 20’ - 16° 40’ Makara) corresponds to ”Je” as in Jennifer or Jet.

Third Pada of this asterism (16° 40’ - 20° 00’ Makara) corresponds to ”Jo” as in Joe.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (20° 00’ - 23° 20’ Makara) corresponds to ”Gha” as in Ghana or Ghastly.

In Sanskrit alphabet, Shravana corresponds to ”Mam”, and so its Mantra would be ”Om Mam”.

Sexual Type & Compatibility

Its sexual animal is a monkey, which indicates more affinity towards affection and playfulness than actual sexual act. Those under influence of this Nakshatra can be exhibitionist in regards to sexual activities. They are prone to talk more about it rather than actually indulge in it.

For sexual & marital compatibility with other Nakshatras, please refer to table at end of this document.


Main Puranic story connected with this asterism is as follows:

”A demon king called Bali had taken over all three worlds (earth, heaven and netherworld) through his might and prowess. Beaten Devas (demigods) appealed to Vishnu for help. Vishnu assured them that he would restore their heavenly abode to them and rid Universe of rule of demons. He waited until Bali was performing a big Yagya (elaborate religious ceremony). One of rules of this Yagya was that Bali could not refuse demand of any Brahmin. Keeping this in mind, Vishnu went to this Yagya in form of a young Brahmin boy. Like all other Brahmins present there, he was honorably received by Bali and asked what he could do for him. Vishnu in his Vamana form (young Brahmin boy form) asked Bali for land which he could cover within his three strides. This demand amused Bali as he thought, ”Why would this little Brahmin boy want something as little as three foot strides of land, when he could ask me for millions of other things?”

Bali’s preceptor, Shukracharya, could see through Vishnu’s act and warned Bali not to give into innocent looking Brahmin boy’s request. Bali was a man of his word and told his preceptor that even though he honored and respected him, he couldn’t go against his vow, and had no option but to fulfill Brahmin boy’s wish. Shukracharya became furious with Bali for not paying heed to his advice and left assembly. When Bali was pouring sacred water from his pot as a ritual marking for granting boy’s wish, Shukracharya assumed a tiny form and stuck himself in pot’s spout so that no water could come out of it. Vishnu obviously knew what was going on and so he took a sharp blade of grass to clear obstruction. It is said that this blade of grass destroyed one of Shukracharya’s eyes, and this is reason why he is always portrayed as having one eye ever since.

With obstacle removed and ritual over, it was time for Brahmin boy to take his three strides worth of land. Suddenly boy’s size started increasing until it got so big that no one could see his head anymore. In one stride he took both netherworld and earth, and in second stride he took heaven. Then Vishnu turned around to Bali and said, ”Now where do I put my third foot?” Bali knowing that he had no other place to give, offered his own head for him to put his third stride. Vishnu smiled and put his foot on Bali’s head.

Bali was immediately transported into lowest among fourteen Lokas. Vishnu had now restored earth to humans and heavens to gods. He was, however, very pleased with Bali’s magnanimity and devotion to universal laws. He conferred on him status as doorkeeper of ”outer most universal sheath”. He also promised to help him out whenever he was in need. At a later point in time, Vishnu actually took job of a doorkeeper in Bali’s palace at his behest!"

If one just contemplates on this story, it reveals everything about nature, functioning and quality of Shravana. Vishnu taking form of an innocent Brahmin boy relates to amiable, innocent front projected by this Nakshatra. This Nakshatra is clever in achieving its goals in much same way as Vishnu was about achieving his. This Nakshatra keeps to its word same way Bali kept his word.

One interesting thing which comes out of this story is that Sukr doesn’t like to be placed in this asterism, seeing how this incident was detrimental to Shukracharya, who is intimately connected with Sukr. This might seem odd as Makara is a friendly Rasi to Sukr. In our view, Sukr does better in other parts of Makara in comparison with Shravana part.

This story also brings out highest expression of this Nakshatra, which is upholding universal law at all costs. Since 21 is seen as number of perfection, number 22 is regarded as 0, or a new beginning, by ancient mystery schools. Even in Tarot deck, 22nd card does not exist. Instead there is a 0 card known as ”Fool”. ”Fool” is a character, who is ready to jump into any unknown or foreign situation without any concern for past, future or its consequences. If this character is receiving its impulses from universal mind, then all actions undertaken are fruitful and necessary. On other hand, if this character is guided by ego or other false external influences, outcome is disaster. This character is what Shravana is all about.


This Nakshatra is related to Sage Vashishta, one of seven celestial Sages looking after affairs of our galaxy. Name of this Sage translates into ”possessor of wealth”, so prosperity aspect of this Nakshatra is reinforced from this angle as well.


For those suffering from bad effects resulting from afflictions to this Nakshatra, best remedial measure is worship of Vishnu, preserver and maintainer of all creation. This worship can be done through use of Mantra and meditation on any or all of Vishnu’s incarnations and aspects.

Repetition of root Mantra of this Nakshatra - ”Om Mam” 108 times when Chandr transits this Nakshatra and in its corresponding lunar month, is sure to reduce suffering and bring enlightenment into a person’s life.

Persons who are benefiting from positive energy of this Nakshatra can also increase its good effects through above mentioned ways. It is helpful for them to wear colors like white and light blue. They should use its directions, lunar month and days when Chandr transits Shravana, to take all important actions.


Mohammed Ali, famous boxer, has his Chandr in Shravana. He was famous for using words to destabilize his opponents, whilst always maintaining his own balance. In his chart, Chandr, as his Lagna Lord, is placed in 7th Bhava, Bhava of opponents.


According to Varahamihira, Chandr in Shravana makes a person ”learned, rich, famous and prosperous, and gives native a liberal minded spouse”. In our example case, all these results fit in perfectly. Mohammed Ali did in fact get liberal-minded spouses, who rebelled against his own narrow-minded social, religious and political sensibilities.

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