Jupiter's Unique Position in the Zodiac
Jupiter gets exalted in the sign of Cancer and debilitated in the sign of Capricorn.
There is a dictum in Vedic Astrology which states that Jupiter in Aquarius gives almost as good results as it gives when situated in the sign of Cancer. Why is this the case?
Understanding Jupiter's Strength in Aquarius
It is easy to understand it like this: The debilitation sign is a sign where the planet was under immense pressure. It felt almost like a prison whilst it was going through it. Once it is released from prison, it starts feeling the fresh air outside. Though the memory of the time spent in prison lingers in the back of his head, it feels great to be set free. Does this principle work for other planets?
Comparing Other Planets' Positions
Sun gets debilitated in the sign of Libra, therefore it should feel great in the sign immediately following Libra. The Sun is almost as good as exaltation in Scorpio, the sign owned by friend Mars. The karmic energies activated by a Sun in Scorpio in any natal horoscope can lead to a stronger mind, brave stance, and firm persona. Even Mars who happens to be the owner of the sign Scorpio does not feel as good in Scorpio.
Mars becomes debilitated in the watery, emotional sign of Cancer. The sign immediately preceding it is Leo, owned by the Sun, who happens to be a great friend of Mars. Needless to say, Mars feels as good as exalted in the sign of Leo.
Venus becomes debilitated in the earth sign Virgo. The sign following Virgo happens to be its own sign Libra. Venus feels even better than exalted in Libra due to the fact this is its mool trikona position, a place where the planet’s natural abilities will flourish.
Mercury becomes debilitated in the sign of Pisces. Mercury is a calculator who deals in concrete pros and cons and likes to communicate. In the dreamland of Pisces, it feels overwhelmed and lost. After visiting Pisces, Mercury feels excited to be able to enter the fiery sign of Aries, owned by Mars. In Aries, Mercury should then be able to take risks and travel at lightning speed.
Saturn gets debilitated in the fiery, fast-moving, dominating leadership sign of Aries. He moves slowly and hence he feels bad when inside the impulsive, fast-moving home of Mars. After getting released here, he finds solace in the friendly house of Taurus. Here he will likely confer as good results as in the sign of Libra.
Moon gets debilitated in the watery, deep, fixed house of Mars. After getting released from Scorpio, purgatory Moon feels great in the home sign of friend, Jupiter. Moon has just left the fixed, karmic water sign for Sagittarius, the feel-good sign of his friend. So from feeling vulnerable, the Moon can go to feeling optimistic and expansive.
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