Jul 27, 20245 Min Read
The Profound Significance of the Number 108 in Vedic Astrology and Numerology -DKSCORE

Understanding the 108 Meaning: Insights from Vedic Astrology and Numerology


The Profound Significance of the Number 108 in Vedic Astrology and Numerology


The number 108 is not just a random sequence; it holds deep spiritual, astronomical, and cultural significance, especially in Vedic astrology and numerology. This number appears repeatedly in various aspects of life and the cosmos, symbolizing completeness and spiritual fulfillment. In this article, we delve into the mystical meaning of 108, its relevance in Vedic astrology and numerology, and its broader cultural significance.


The Cosmic Geometry of 108


According to Vedic cosmology, the number 108 represents the universe and our existence within it. The significance of 108 can be observed in various astronomical and geometrical contexts:

Distance Ratios:


The distance between the Earth and the Sun is approximately 108 times the diameter of the Sun.

The distance between the Earth and the Moon is approximately 108 times the diameter of the Moon.

The diameter of the Sun is approximately 108 times the diameter of the Earth.


Chakras and Nadis:

In the yogic system, there are 114 chakras, with 108 being significant for spiritual practices.

There are 72,000 nadis (energy channels) in the human body, meeting at 108 energy lines known as chakras.


108 in Vedic Astrology


In Vedic astrology, the number 108 is a key factor in various calculations and spiritual practices:


Nakshatras and Padas:


There are 27 nakshatras (lunar mansions), each divided into 4 padas (quarters). Multiplying 27 by 4 gives us 108.


Planets and Zodiac Signs:


There are 9 planets and 12 zodiac signs in Vedic astrology. Multiplying 9 by 12 results in 108.


Mantras and Japa:


Mantras are often chanted 108 times, using a mala (rosary) with 108 beads to keep count. This practice aligns with the 108 energy channels that need to be harmonized for spiritual awakening.


The Spiritual and Cultural Significance of 108


The number 108 holds immense importance in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other spiritual traditions:


Sacred Texts and Practices:


There are 108 Upanishads, ancient texts of wisdom in Hinduism.

In Buddhism, there are 108 earthly desires and 108 defilements of the mind.

The famous poses of the dancing Shiva are said to be 108.


Names and Deities:


108 names of Lord Shiva and 108 names of Lord Krishna are often recited in devotional practices.


Temples and Architecture:


Many ancient temples have 108 steps, representing a spiritual ascent.

The Brihadeeswara Temple in Thanjavur is 216 feet tall, which is 108 times 2.


Numerological Significance of 108


In numerology, 108 carries profound meanings:


1 represents unity and divine consciousness.

0 symbolizes completeness and the infinite.

8 stands for eternity and spiritual consciousness.

When combined, these numbers signify the journey of the soul from the material to the divine, encapsulating the essence of existence.


Practical Implications and Everyday Significance


The number 108 also appears in everyday life and cultural practices:


Breathing Cycles:


A healthy human is said to breathe 10,800 times during the day and 10,800 times during the night, correlating with 108 breaths per hour.


Festivals and Rituals:


Bells in Buddhist temples are often rung 108 times to symbolize the cleansing of 108 delusions.

Sun Salutations:


In yoga, practitioners often perform 12 postures in a sequence called Surya Namaskar, or sun salutations, which can be repeated 9 times to total 108


108 in Modern Contexts


The significance of 108 extends to contemporary practices and beliefs:


Ambulance Services:


Who introduced 108 ambulance in India? The emergency medical service known as Siren 108 was introduced by Dr. Abhay Bang and Dr. Rani Bang, renowned social activists and healthcare professionals.


Legal References:


What is Section 108? This legal term refers to various sections in different laws and jurisdictions, often dealing with complex legal matters.


The Symbolism of 108 in Meditation and Spirituality

The number 108 plays a crucial role in meditation and spiritual practices:

Prayer Beads:

In Indian culture, prayer beads, or malas, traditionally consist of 108 beads, used for counting mantras during meditation.

Heart Chakra:

The heart chakra, an essential energy center in the body, is said to connect with 108 energy lines that converge to form this vital chakra.

Ancient Indian Practices:

The ancient Indians deeply understood the cosmic significance of 108, integrating it into their spiritual and daily practices, thus reflecting the harmony between the macrocosm and microcosm.




The number 108 is a universal symbol of spiritual and cosmic significance. From its roots in Vedic astrology and numerology to its cultural and practical applications, 108 serves as a bridge between the material and the spiritual, the finite and the infinite. Understanding the 108 meaning enriches our appreciation of its role in our lives and the cosmos. Whether through chanting mantras, practicing yoga, or observing celestial patterns, embracing the essence of 108 can lead to profound spiritual growth and harmony.

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