Rajdeep  Pandit
Rajdeep Pandit
Oct 26, 20247 Min Read
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Adoption in Astrology: Astrological Aspects for Adoption and Children with Sh. Rajbir Singh -DKSCOREdkwatemark

Adoption in Astrology: Progeny Insights Unveiled


Adoption has been a significant aspect of human society since ancient times. From the era of the Ramayana to the modern world, the concept of nurturing and raising a child—whether biological or adopted—holds immense importance. In Vedic astrology, adoption is not just a social or emotional decision but also a matter deeply influenced by cosmic forces.

In this article, we delve into the astrological aspects of adoption in astrology as explained by Sh. Rajbir Singh, a renowned astrologer and researcher. We will explore the Vedic astrology rules governing child adoption, the influence of planetary positions, and how ones horoscope can indicate the possibility of adopting a child.


The Significance of Children in Astrology


Children are considered a blessing and are central to the continuation of lineage and heritage. In astrology, the desire for progeny and the challenges related to childbirth are analyzed through various houses and planets in a horoscope.


The Fifth House and Its Importance


The fifth house in a birth chart, known as the Pancham Bhava, represents children, creativity, and past life deeds. It is crucial for understanding ones prospects regarding offspring. Afflictions or negative influences on this house can indicate difficulties in conceiving or bearing children.


Role of Jupiter as Karaka


Jupiter, or Guru, is the natural significator of children in astrology. A well-placed Jupiter can bless an individual with healthy progeny, while an afflicted Jupiter might suggest obstacles in childbirth.


Jaimini Karakas and Putrakaraka (PK)


In Jaimini astrology, the Putrakaraka (PK) is the planet that signifies children. Analyzing the PK provides deeper insights into issues related to offspring, including the possibility of adoption.


Indicators of Adoption in Astrology


Adoption is often considered when individuals face challenges in conceiving a child biologically. Astrology provides certain combinations and planetary positions that suggest the likelihood of adopting a child.


Afflictions in the Fifth House


From Lagna (Ascendant): If the fifth house or its lord is afflicted by malefic planets, it may indicate problems related to childbirth.


In the D7 Divisional Chart (Saptamsa): The D7 chart specifically deals with matters related to children. Afflictions here reinforce challenges indicated in the natal chart.


Influence on Jupiter and PK: If Jupiter and the Putrakaraka are under malefic influences, especially from Rahu and Ketu, the chances of biological childbirth decrease, and the possibility of adoption increases.


Role of Rahu and Ketu


Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets known for causing disruptions and unconventional situations. Their influence on the fifth house, Jupiter, or PK can signify:


Adoption or adopted child in astrology.


Assisted reproductive technologies like IUI or IVF.


Situations where a child is raised by someone other than the biological parents.


Cases of Parental Change


When both the fourth house (representing the mother) and the ninth house (representing the father) are afflicted, it may suggest that the child will experience a change in parental figures, such as being adopted.


Comprehensive Rules of Child Adoption in Vedic Astrology


Affliction to the Fifth House: Malefic aspects or conjunctions affecting the fifth house or its lord.


Afflicted Jupiter: Negative influences on Jupiter can hinder natural childbirth.


Afflicted Putrakaraka (PK): Malefic impacts on PK in both the natal and divisional charts.


Rahu-Ketu Influence: Their presence or aspect on key houses and significators increases the likelihood of adoption.


Analysis of D7 Chart: Cross-examination with the Saptamsa chart to confirm indications.


Role of Bija Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta: Mismatch or affliction in these calculations can point towards adoption.


Parental Houses Afflicted: Issues in the fourth and ninth houses may lead to changes in parental relationships.


Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Astrology


With advancements in medical science, options like IUI and IVF have become prevalent. Astrology can indicate the need for such interventions when:


There is a strong influence of Rahu and Ketu on the fifth house or its lord.


Jupiter and PK are afflicted, but there are supportive aspects from benefic planets.


The native is undergoing specific planetary periods that favor assisted conception.


Being Adopted in Astrology: Indicators in a Childs Horoscope


A childs chart can also reveal signs of being adopted:


Afflicted Fourth House: Indicates changes related to the mother or maternal figures.


Afflicted Ninth House: Suggests disruptions concerning the father or paternal lineage.


Presence of Malefics in Parental Houses: Placement of malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu in the fourth or ninth houses.


Displacement from Birthplace: Strong indications of relocation or being raised away from the biological family.


Adoption in Different Astrological Systems


Adopted Child in KP Astrology


In KP astrology, the sub-lords of the fifth house and its significators play a crucial role. If the sub-lord is connected to the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses and influenced by malefics, adoption is indicated.


Being Adopted in Western Astrology


While Vedic astrology offers detailed insights, being adopted in western astrology is often seen through aspects to the 4th and 10th houses (parental houses), the Moon (mother), and the Sun (father). Hard aspects from Uranus or Neptune may suggest unconventional family situations like adoption.


The Social and Emotional Aspects of Adoption


Adoption is not merely an astrological event but a profound social and emotional experience. It fulfills the desires of childless couples, provides homes to children in need, and continues family lineages.


Child Adoption Astrology helps in understanding the timing and compatibility between the child and the adoptive parents.


It can guide individuals on the best time to proceed with adoption, ensuring harmony and mutual growth.


Case Studie of Celebrity Profiles


Angelina Jolie


Adoption Years: 2002 (Maddox), 2005 (Zahara), 2007 (Pax)


Angelina Jolie, an acclaimed actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian, has adopted three children from different parts of the world. Maddox was adopted from Cambodia, Zahara from Ethiopia, and Pax from Vietnam. Her commitment to adoption has brought significant attention to the plight of orphans globally.


Astrological Insights: Born on June 4, 1975, Angelina is a Cancer Ascendant. Her strong humanitarian efforts can be associated with a well-placed Jupiter, enhancing her compassion and willingness to embrace children from diverse cultures.


The influence of Rahu in 5th house indicate her openness to unconventional family structures, such as international adoption.


Mars 5th lord became GK of the chart and aspected by 8th lord Saturn from 12th house


Jupiter Natural Putra karka and Moon PK of her chart is is with GK Mars in 9th house and aspected by Saturn the 8th lord.


From Moon and Jupiter , Moon is 5th lord and PK is again with Mars GK and aspected by saturn 8th lord 


All the significator of 5th house , 5th lord, Jupiter , PK is in trines to Rahu.


D7- Rahu/Ketu inflence on 5th house reinforces the adoption.  




Adoption holds a special place both socially and astrologically. Understanding the adoption in astrology can provide clarity to those considering this path and highlight the cosmic influences guiding such profound decisions.

Astrology offers valuable insights into the challenges and blessings related to children, whether biological or adopted. By analyzing the fifth house, Jupiter, PK, and the influence of Rahu and Ketu, one can gain a deeper understanding of their parental journey.



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Rajdeep  Pandit

Rajdeep Pandit

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