Understanding the Sun Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology
Namaskar. Welcome to Lunar Astro. From today, we are starting a new series on dashas. If you haven’t watched the previous series which was on planetary positions, which is the Space element in Astrology, this article will be a comprehensive guide on understanding the Sun Mahadasha.
The Basics: Space and Time in Astrology
In astrology, there are two most important components to see the future: space and time. Where a certain planet is sitting, how well it is positioned in the chart, and what results it will manifest according to that, is the space element of the chart. The other part is time, which determines which dasha you will get. Everyone on this earth spends his/her time according to their dashas. The sequence of their dashas is different. So when these space and time components meet, you can see the future.
Maharishi Parashara, who has written Brihad Parashara Hora Shastra, divided space using divisional charts and gave Vimshottari Mahadasha for time. You combine space and time using both of these and predict that this planet will give these results during this time in this manner. This is the sequence. You will experience changes in your life at these points.
Maharishi Bhrigu didn’t do much about space, like Naadi or other such concepts where space is constant and the focus is more on Raashi charts (Signs) and divided time in different parts. This space and time concept is used by all the rishis and researchers who worked on future theories.
Scientific Insights on Time
There was an introduction in Stephen Hawking’s book by Karl Jung, which is very interesting: Why does time only move forward and not backward? How crazy is this thought? And this thing can only be written by such people like Stephen Hawking or Karl Jung. He also wrote in his book that please don’t read my first book because you will not be able to understand it, as he himself was really confused at that time.
All the remedies in this world are made using these two components only: space and time. For instance, go to a particular place during a specific time for a number of days, and changes will come because of that. All of your natural cycles work on these two components only—space and time. You create or chant certain rhythms during specific times, like Amavasya and Purnima, which are really good times for remedies, or during sunset or sunrise when those two are meeting. It is known as the ZERO time period because two energies are meeting at this time period, so the sky opens up. Choose days like these to perform any kind of remedies.
Dasha System in Vedic Astrology
Today’s lecture is on dashas, specifically how dashas work. Just look around you—you might see someone and say that this person is living in an entirely different world. You cannot explain to your cousins or friends that this thing has to be done this way, even if you try so hard. You think they are crazy, and they think you are crazy because you both have opposite dashas. If someone comes to you asking for help, it is because they know that only you can help because only you have such energy like that.
So remedies are created in such a way that you go to some place and disturbance in your dasha’s energy is resolved. Suppose you are running a Mercury Mahadasha; it has a clear agenda that it wants to teach you many things, including minute and detailed aspects of life. But if this Mercury is debilitated, then you won’t be able to focus on minute details. You are not able to argue or bargain, so your Mercurian energy is distorted. You require an energy source with really good Mercury—someone who can see fine details, who can argue, and who can find solutions in everything. Only these people can help you during this dasha.
Remedies for Mercury Mahadasha
This is why all the remedies during Mercury Mahadasha are suggested to sort out your misbalanced energies of Mercury. Mercury is associated with arts and crafts, and when you engage in coloring or other artistic activities, it helps. Mercury is also associated with skills, so you might start playing sports or new hobbies during this dasha. These hobbies take your brain into a developmental mode. When you learn to play badminton, chess, or swimming, your brain goes into developmental mode and teaches you a lot of things.
During Mercury Mahadasha, it will become your habit to perform tasks using shortcuts. Sometimes these shortcuts might not be good for you. We will talk about many remedies like this. Today’s lecture is on Mahadashas only. We will start from Sun Mahadasha because Sun is the King.
Sun Mahadasha: An Overview
So the very first thing is why Sun Mahadasha is of 6 years. There is a scientific reason behind it, and we will cover those scientific reasons as well. Why is Sun Mahadasha exactly 6 years? Why not 7 or 10, like Moon, or 20 years like Venus? There is logic behind these 6 years.
Sun is the karaka (significator) for light when you come to earth. Sun gives you light; that is its identity. So this Mahadasha will depend on light. When we talk about Saturn, it will be about speed because Saturn is known for speed, miseries, darkness, isolation, and old age. So we will consider Saturn’s karakatva (significations) at that time. Sun has the karakatva of light, providing you with illumination.
But if you observe closely, the Sun only provides light to 6 houses, or half of the globe. You might have seen similar maps while traveling via flight; they show you which part of the globe is illuminated and which part is in the dark. This is how it works.
There is another very scientific term that the Sun’s magnetic poles switch every 11 years. So now we have to divide it by 2 because we are working on half part only. Sun rules 1 Ayaan. If you read Prashna Marg, while describing which planet rules how much time period, it is written that Sun rules 1 ayaan, meaning one side or 6 months. If you divide 11 years in half, it comes to 5 years and 6 months. According to that, Sun Mahadasha should be 5 years and 6 months.
But look at the brilliance of MahaRishis. A month is of 27 days to 34 days on the Sun according to NASA’s website. When you convert 5 and a half years, it increases this time by 6 months, and you get 6 years of Sun Mahadasha. This is the logic and science behind why Sun Mahadasha is exactly 6 years.
The Science Behind Vedic Astrology
People are not able to understand the science behind Jyotish (astrology). When a child is not able to understand something, he/she thinks it’s magic or worthless because he/she doesn’t understand it. If you study properly and relate things to each other, you’ll see the scientific basis of astrology.
That’s why many spiritual gurus today say that astrology is worthless and not relevant. It’s like someone living in the Middle East stating the temperature in Japan. Until you have read Jyotish (astrology) for 10 years, you have to prove yourself multiple times a day—from morning to evening—on Facebook, during astrological readings, and on blogs that we have made predictions and these are its results. And those proofs are online.
If I ask the same question about spirituality, what significant have you done till now? We have to study from morning to evening and research a lot of things. Then this knowledge comes. Spirituality is easy compared to that—to fool people. So that’s why if you haven’t studied something, you should not comment on it either.
So first, study astrology for 15-16 hours a day for 10 or so years and then comment on whether it works or not. You should study science in a scientific way.
The Essence of Sun Mahadasha
Now let’s come to Sun Mahadasha. There is only one agenda behind Sun Mahadasha: How will I get power? How can I give you fame or limelight? Because Sun is the karaka for light, fame, kids, education, etc., all these things come under the karakatva of Sun. During this dasha, either there is a lot of acceptance— not necessarily promotion but praises. So the result of each Mahadasha eventually depends on how powerful that planet is.
Sun’s job is to show you a good path or guide you. People who have a good Sun live and behave like leaders in their industry or home. They know what they have to do, don’t tell them. These people don’t listen to anyone. It is foolishness to give them suggestions. People with a weak or mild Sun listen to everyone’s advice. You cannot influence people with a strong Sun because they have such good clarity that no one else can have.
Manifestation of Results
There is a dictum that the fruits of any planet’s Mahadasha, Antar Dasha, or Sukshma Dasha manifest when it is powerful, exalted, or its friends are helping it. If that planet is debilitated, weak, or surrounded or aspected by enemies, its results will be in dreams only. You will get the opportunities, but they will vanish quickly and will not manifest. So when showing results, you should see whether your Sun is powerful enough or not.
People with a strong Sun habitually look straight into your eyes and ask you in very few words, “Is this thing going to happen or not? Will you be able to complete this work or not?” and expect a Yes or No answer. They don’t like to beat around the bush. If someone has a weak Sun, they will not be able to express themselves clearly because they don’t want to offend anyone. This is a sign of a weak Sun; the person becomes diplomatic.
Sun in the 6th house and Sun in the 3rd house are very good teachers and amazing people for chanting mantras. Sun in the 6th house represents people who work diplomatically and provide you with solutions that meet halfway—diplomatic solutions. Sun in the 1st house is your head, the crown on your head. If you want to spoil your Sun, go to different people asking for help regarding your work. Sun in the 1st house cannot ask for help. If the native has a strong Sun during this dasha, they will say, “I’ll do it on my own.” Never ask for help; it is like a death wish.
Impact of Sun Mahadasha
Whenever this dasha is about to run, you will get so many praises and social acceptability. Social acceptability depends on Jupiter. Sun’s job is to keep everyone in check. So during this dasha, 2-3 things will automatically happen to you. First, you will start making boundaries, and these are healthy boundaries. You will tell others that they should not cross this line. Otherwise, it will not be good for them. You will state what you expect from others and if they do it, then everything is fine. If they perform their duties well, then you are with them; otherwise, there will be repercussions.
During this dasha, many people might leave you, thinking that you have become egoistic. The problem is that until you follow someone’s advice, you are a good person. If you satisfy their ego, you are a good person. Or if you are useful to someone, you are a good person. If you have maintained healthy boundaries, someone asks you for money or help, and you say, “I’ll help you if I have enough time, not by sacrificing myself.” If you are maintaining these healthy boundaries, they will think you are egoistic.
So you have to face hate because they think you are egoistic. Let it be and understand that you cannot make everyone happy, especially during Sun Mahadasha. If you do, your dasha is going to be bad. Because when a boss becomes too friendly, the ship’s captain becomes too friendly, the ship is certainly going to sink for sure. Compromise is not an option in certain things. Compromise is not acceptable in safety standards, and Sun’s job is to speak less and make you mind your own business.
Secondly, as you grow bigger in life, your responsibilities expand as well. You become non-reactive because of that. The more you reply to worthless comments or people, the worse your Sun dasha will pass. By non-reactive, I mean when you are leading a big community, people will speak bad things about you. You cannot make everyone happy. When any law is passed in a country, it will be good for many people and bad for many people. Some will praise and others will curse the government. But the government has to keep these things aside and think for the country.
So Sun is like the government, and that’s why your mentality also becomes like one. You have to be disciplined because you know that consequences will be bad if discipline is not there. These problems will start from you wanting to be disciplined. No matter how bad the time is going, natives with a good Sun do not lose self-confidence. Confidence is everything. If you don’t know what you have to do, keep in mind: Sun is most troubled in Swati Nakshatra. Sun is most troubled in dark houses when there is no clarity on what to do or when choices have to be made.
Clarity and Decision Making
If you don’t know what to do the next day, you will sleep poorly when you lack clarity in life. Your decisions are sorted, knowing what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. If you are running the dasha of a weak Sun or an afflicted Sun or Sun on Rahu Ketu axis, the native is puzzled during this dasha. They don’t know what to do next in life. Sun’s Mahadasha comes to give you clarity in life. If Sun is in Libra or under malefic influence or afflicted, Sun requires ministers like Mars and an army to work. He needs power. Sun will get wisdom from Jupiter to work.
If there are planets sitting that don’t listen to Sun or work slowly, Sun will become frustrated. You do so much good for others, but you will get insults or bad things in return: Sun in Saturn houses. Sun in such houses where you do a lot for others, and someone else claims your fame. There is a very famous chart of Subhash Chandra Bose Ji, Sun Rahu in the 10th house. He worked so hard, but what happened eventually? Someone else claimed his output or fame. He became anonymous, known as Gumnami Baba. Sun-Rahu, no matter how good your work is, someone else will claim its fruits. Until and unless this Sun Rahu gets help from somewhere.
Challenges and Remedies
Rahu is Vidroh (rebellion). He said, “I’ll leave Congress and work on my own.” The final result of this is anonymity. All the people who are born between Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse—all have karmic charts. To control Rahu with Sun is one of the most difficult tasks. Your work is very skilled if Sun is powerful, but the question is whether you will get the result. It totally depends upon the power of Sun and the planets sitting there. If there is the dasha of Sun and Moon antar dasha, it is the initial time period.
Such a person at that time had problems related to the head. If Sun is in affliction, brain-related issues, headaches, fever, and misunderstanding for yourself, false accusations all come under Sun Mahadasha antar dasha. If Sun is sitting more powerfully, such a person has clarity at that time. They know they have to do this only and nothing else. This is the final goal; they have to make discipline for it. Sun Mahadasha makes you do a lot of hard work because Sun is warm. Sun won’t let you go without any hard work. But after this dasha, you will realize that today you are not doing half of it because Sun wakes you up and makes you work till night without any break.
Whenever there is Moon antar dasha under Sun Mahadasha, the person changes their house, goes to the east for property, or changes house for their satisfaction. At that particular time, if the person’s Moon is not good, they will have to face issues like pneumonia, sinus. During this duration, there was a verse that says males and females with a very fair complexion will cause trouble. They are telling that your relation is with such a person who is very rich and has good contacts. So due to them, there will be trouble.
So during this dasha, when Sun dasha comes to Sun, offer wheat or wear Ruby. If you are afflicted by Sun, create discipline in life. I’m telling you both spiritual and practical remedies. Sun is your soul, and people having clarity in their mind grow well in spirituality because they know they have to do only this work. People whose Sun is not good can’t stand on one path. If there is no discipline in Sadhan, nothing good can happen to you. Those who have discipline in Sadhana uplift themselves so much that they can’t switch to other paths.
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