Anahita  Rao
Anahita Rao
Apr 3, 20249 Min Read
Unveiling the Mysteries of Karma in Vedic Astrology -DKSCORE

Exploring the Depths of Karma in Vedic Astrology: Understanding Types, Significance, and Interpretation through Birth Charts

Understanding Karma in Vedic Astrology


We hear this word so often. Karma. So what exactly is Karma?


Some say it is the law of cause and effect. Karma is action, whether physical or mental, that results in a consequence. Some say Karma is what will happen to you in your next life based on what you do in this life.


And yet others coming from a Christian tradition may understand Karma as 'that which goes around, comes around.' Or 'you reap what you sow.' Or 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.' And there are numerous other definitions.


The Different Types of Karma


Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning 'to act.' The law of karma teaches us that all of our thoughts, words, and actions begin a chain of cause and effect, and that we will personally experience the effects of everything. We may not experience the effect now or even in this lifetime. Karma can be subdivided into three types of manifestation: Sanchita (accumulated karma of all our past lives); Prarabdha (karma for whose effects we experience in this lifetime); and Kriyamana or Agami (karma that we are currently creating by our actions).


Analyzing Karma through Jyotish


Jyotish in essence attempts to dissect a person’s karma from their birthchart. So here, I have outlined some excerpts from the Classics which foretell a person’s Good Karma:


Signs of Good Karma in Astrology


From Phaladeepika 16.27:


(1) If a benefic planet occupies the 10th house and the lord of the latter in full strength be in a Kendra or Kona, identical with its Svakshetra or exaltation, or, (2) If the lord of the Lagna be in the 10th, (3) The person concerned will be revered by all, widely renowned, and disposed to do always virtuous deeds. His affluence will be similar to that of a king and he will be long-lived.


Influence of Planets on the 10th House


Under the following yoga, the native is honoured for good acts-


10H is placed with benefics 10L is placed in Su-sthana (Kendra or Trikona) 10L Placed in good signs (exaltation, Mulatrikona, own sign, friendly sign) 10L associate with benefics Additionally when Lagna lord associates with the 10H or 10L through any sambandha, the native’s purpose in life is to do righteous work. This can happen in following ways-


Lagna lord in the 10H 10L in the Lagna Lagna lord and 10L exchange places, conjoin or mutually aspect each other. Both Lagna and the 10H are the seats of power and exemplify the throne. When both of them associate and simultaneously are endowed with strength and both 10H and Lagna are associated with benefic Grahas, the native attains high influence in life. This is called Siddha yoga or the yoga for high achievement.


Assessing Good and Evil Actions


From Phaladeepika 16.28:


(1) If the Sun or Mars occupy the 10th house, the native concerned will be a great and mighty personage and liked by the people. (2) If the lord of the 10th house should also be well-placed, he will be able to accomplish great undertakings involving much valour and heroism. (3) He will perform some beneficial acts commended by the good if the 10th house be occupied by benefics. (4) But if Rahu, Saturn and Ketu be posited in the 10th house, the result will be that the person concerned will do sinful and wicked acts.


Sun and Mars attain Dikbala in the 10H indicating that they will have energy for non-stop action. Natives having Sun or Mars in the 10H have the ability to put persistent effort into an activity, leading them to success and fame. The strength of the 10H is equally important as it indicates whether the native is able to achieve success in life independently or he will need support from others or need to serve others to attain life’s objectives. Whether the person is engaged in rightful or sinful acts can be determined by the influence of Grahas on the 10H. Here, placement is always stronger and primary influence compared to aspects. However, the assessment of good or bad actions are not so simple and it needs assessment of the Lagna and the 9H of dharma. A person with strong Lagna (ideals) and dharma (9H), right mental frame (5H), and good talent (3H) would not get involved in evil acts just because malefics are placed in the 10H. Success in all Karma and honour comes from the10H, hence its association with various planets, bhava lords and placement in signs etc. needs to be considered for a proper and complete assessment of 10H. In summary, the strength of 10H gives a very clear direction on what the native can achieve in life independently. Weak 10H causes the native to drift without purpose and be involved in serving others.


Important Yogas in Hindu Predictive Astrology


Some important yogas from Dr. BV Raman’s Hindu Predictive Astrology


Income from inherited wealth, drugs, medicines, chemical dealings: 10th lord is Sun, who is well placed and powerfully aspected. Some of the natural significations of Sun are: Inherited wealth, drugs, medicines, chemical dealings. Income from selling previous stones, dealing with aristocracy, women of questionable character, agriculture: Moon occupies the 10th house and Mars aspects it. Combined influence of Moon and Mars indicate: selling previous stones, dealing with aristocracy, prostitutes, agriculture etc. Moon rules gemstones, food and food business such as restaurants etc. There are numerous significations of the Moon. For instance Sun-Moon combination indicate working with stones such as masonry or stone cutting etc. Commander-in-chief/ Gang leader/ Doctor: If Mars is the 10th lord or occupies it and is aspected by the Sun or the Moon, the person will be respectable commander-in-chief; if by Saturn, a gang leader and a robber; if by Mercury, a doctor. Here is a good illustration of a Graha giving different results based on differing influences on the graha. Mars alone: Engineer, machinery etc. Sun/ Moon influence: Army chief as the luminaries indicate royal couples (king and queen). Saturn influence: Gang leader (mercenary, cause pain to others, subjugation, torture etc.). Mercury influence: Deal with medicines, healing, Ayurveda, surgery etc. Usually Moon-Mercury influence makes one good in medicines. Professor in religious philosophy, mathematical sciences, teacher, judge etc.: Mercury occupies the 10th house. Some of Mercury’s significations are: dealing with education, teaching etc.; mathematics, astronomy and astrology; law, lawyer, advocate etc. Livelihood from being a preceptor, teacher, judge etc.: Jupiter becomes the 10th lord or aspects it. Some of Jupiter’s significations are: dealing with religion and religious matters, minister, guide, advisor, counsellor, priest, preceptor etc. Income from brokerages, art galleries, cinemas, music houses: Venus as the 10th lord. If afflicted, brothels and other mean associations. Venus governs over various forms of art, music, painting etc. It also rules all matters of entertainment and show business such as theatre, cinema etc. Venus also rules relationship, sex and such matters. Afflicted Venus indicate income from such matters i.e., prostitution, flesh trade etc. Income from being a municipal official, scavenger, factory worker etc.: Saturn occupies the 10th house or aspects it with no beneficial conjunctions. Saturn rules variety of things and it depends on the strength, influence of other Grahas and the sign where Saturn is placed. It rules dirt, garbage and cleaning systems. Hence it can indicate the cleaning machinery of a state. It rules heavy labor, things below the earth such as oil and gas, mines, minerals It can also indicate discipline, administration etc. especially when strong and influenced by other benefics.


Other Significations and Yogas


Attain Moksha: Pisces become the 10th house and Mercury or Mars occupies it. The importance of the sign is highlighted here. 10H falling in the sign of liberation i.e., Pisces and influence of Mars or Mercury can give Moksha. Mars attains Dikbala in the 10H. Mercury will be the Lagna and 4L debilitated in the 10H, causing siddha yoga. This certainly gives pilgrimage to sacred places (4L in natural 12H) but for moksha many other combinations need to be judged. Builds charitable institutions, performs meritorious deeds: Jupiter joins Mercury or Mars. Here is an illustration of results due to combination of Grahas. Jupiter + Mercury or Jupiter + Mars is equivalent to Mercury or Mars placed in Pisces as mentioned in previous dictum. It can also mean Mercury or Mars placed in Sagittarius in the 10H which happens for Pisces Lagna. Here, Mars is the 2L and 9L in the 10H which happens to be the natural 9H. This indicate expenditure on righteous (9H) activities (10H). Similarly Mercury will be the 4L in 7L in the natural 9H indicating righteous (9H) institutions (4L). Pure reputation for his conduct and truthful nature: Moon occupies a quadrant and Jupiter aspects her. One’s behaviour or actions can be judged from the Kendras. Moon in a Kendra makes the person sensitive to their surroundings. When aspected by Jupiter, it makes the native truthful. Jupiter= Truth; Moon= Mind. Influence of Jupiter and Moon on the Kendra can give fame, especially if Lagna and Lagna lords are also involved. Communication with supernatural forces, Ucchistha Devatas etc.: Mars and Saturn are in the 10th house aspected by other malefics. Mars rules fire and power of mantras. It is said that Agni takes the oblations to the gods. Saturn rules something low especially when aspected by malefics. This combination indicates invoking low level devata or energies for getting some work done. This can be understood as Black magic, Abhichara, invoking ghosts and ghouls etc. Foreign travels: 10th house falls in a watery sign and its lord occupies a movable sign and Navamsa. Foreign travel due to work is involved if one of the following influence on the 10H is present- Watery element (water = voyages) Movable sign (movable= long distance travel) 3H= vacation (short duration) 7H= travel for trade and commerce (longer duration) 9H= travel for higher studies, preaching etc. (long duration) 12H= relocation and settle in a foreign land- different culture (longest duration) Influence of other Grahas indicate the reason for travel. For instance, if Sun is involved, it can mean travelling on a political mission or diplomacy.

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Anahita  Rao

Anahita Rao

Anahita Rao was born in New Delhi, India and has lived and travelled across the globe.Influenced by her father’s deep interest and aptitude in vedic astrol ...Read More

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