Prash Trivedi
Prash Trivedi
Dec 30, 202320 Min Read
Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra by Prash Trivedi -DKSCORE

Exploring the Power and Significance of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

3° 20’ Meena - 16° 40’ Meena In the Sky

Uttarabhadrapada, apex of saturnine energy, is represented in celestial firmament by two bright stars, one of which lies in constellation of Pegasus, while other is seen as being part of constellation Andromeda. Ancient Vedic Seers saw these stars as being representative of back legs of a funeral cot (or sleeping bed). Also ancients saw these two stars forming a rectangular bed (which is now known as ”Square of Pegasus”), along with two stars of Purvabhadrapada.

These two stars, which lie in Pegasus and Andromeda respectively, are known in modern astronomy as Gamma Pegasi (Algenib) and Alpha Andromedae (Alpheratz). They can be seen lying directly above constellation of Meena. Gamma Pegasi has a visual magnitude of 2.84, and lies closer to zodiacal ecliptic. Alpha Andromedae is brighter of two, with a visual magnitude of 2.06, and lies farther away from zodiacal ecliptic. Both of them can be easily located in night sky through spotting Andromeda, one of brightest constellations in night sky.


”Uttarabhadrapada” translates into ”latter (one who possesses) lucky feet”. Its alternative name is ”Uttaraproshthapada”, which translates into ”latter (one who possesses) feet of a stool”. These names and meanings are a direct result of this asterism forming a pair with previous asterism, Purvabhadrapada and don’t convey much regarding nature or functioning of this asterism.


Its main symbol is ”back part of a funeral cot”. A funeral cot denotes our exit from world, and Rasi Meena, or 12th Bhava in chart, signifies this exit. Since this asterism forms heart of Rasi of Meena, it is appropriate that it is ascribed back legs of funeral cot, while its counterpart, Purvabhadrapada, is ascribed front legs. In a way, it represents our initial state after death, while Purvabhadrapada can be seen as relating to actual process of dying. Back part of a normal sleeping bed can also be seen as symbol of this asterism. Since 12th Bhava relates to sleep, which can be seen as a temporary form of death, a sleeping bed would also relate to this asterism. Uttarabhadrapada signifies deep sleep state, in which dream activity is at minimum, and we go to depths of our unconscious. It can, however, be also representative of all dreams and dreamlike states.

In our view, its alternative symbol is a serpent with two and a half coils (see image), symbolizing Kundalini, primeval life force lying at base of spine in humans. This asterism symbolizes enlightenment through awakening of all seven vital centres through movement of Kundalini. This process of Kundalini awakening is actually started in Anuradha, which can be seen as an associate asterism, in sense that Sani rules both of these asterisms. As we discussed in section dealing with Anuradha, Anuradha is initiator of this process, while Uttarabhadrapada is culmination point of this process.


Its deity is known by name ”Ahir Bhudhanya” and in keeping with basic energy of this asterism, is a figure shrouded in mystery. His peculiar name roughly translates into ”Serpent of Depths” or ”Serpent that lies beneath surface of earth”. Most of Vedic texts don’t say much about him, except mention of him being a serpent god dwelling in primeval depths. Even West has its own share of imagined or otherwise mysterious underwater serpent creatures like Scotland’s Loch Ness monster. Vedic mythology, however, is replete with stories of serpent beings which reside at bottom of bodies of water like lakes, rivers and oceans. These beings also reside in all netherworlds. Ahir Bhudhanya can be seen as a collective composite of all these serpent beings.

There is an obvious connection of serpent forces, revered by all ancient cultures, with this asterism. Reader can refer to author’s previous work (”The Rahu - Ketu Experience”, Sagar Publications, India, and ”The Key Of Life”, Lotus Press, USA), for gaining a more detailed understanding of how these forces are central to universal plan. Ahir Bhudhanya was seen as deity responsible for maintaining fertility of earth. Symbolism of a serpent lying at core of earth, who maintains earth’s structure and fertility, can be found in all ancient cultures. In West, Pluto, planet seen as Lord of underworld, was given a similar portfolio.

Ahir Bhudhanya is a more wise and compassionate deity in comparison with Aja Ekapada (please refer to section on Purvabhadrapada). Its essential nature is akin to western neptunian god-figure, which is not very interested in revealing itself. Like Neptune, it presides over celestial ocean. Even Vishnu, preserver among Trinity, has a similar symbolism, as can be seen from his lying on a serpent bed on top of celestial ocean image.

Finally Shiva, destroyer among cosmic Trinity, can be seen as main presiding deity of this asterism, even though its symbolism relates to Vishnu. This asterism has a dissolution aspect to it in guises of death, transformation and enlightenment through destruction of forms - Shiva’s domain. Shiva also carries a serpent around his neck!

Nature & Disposition

First thing which must be said here, is that it is very hard to pin down exact nature of this Nakshatra. It can function in a variety of ways and fashion itself according to its needs and surroundings. Since wisdom is key word for this Nakshatra, native strongly under its influence acts according to needs of moment rather than from any instinctual archetype.

Real motives of this Nakshatra are always very hard to know. Natives under its strong influence are as elusive as serpent of deep sea. Just like ocean carries a whole different variety of plants and creatures, this Nakshatra has room for many different qualities, natures and expressions.

Despite its apparent flexibility, it is quite a fixed Nakshatra, which is usually very determined to achieve its set goals. Flexibility here is just a mean to an end. This is wise old man amongst Nakshatras. It never acts hastily. In fact, many a times it can postpone actions too long for its own good. In a lot of cases it can just be plain lazy, in both physical and mental matters.

Alot can be understood about this Nakshatra by understanding nature and role of old wise chief archetype of indigenous native tribes. Its wisdom has been gained from experience. It is calculative when it comes to achieving its ends. These natives always try to keep big picture in mind while making plans, decisions and like. Uttarabhadrapada likes to do everything in a controlled fashion, with care and restraint. Its intentions are usually benevolent. Its ambitions are not self-serving and it is full of qualities like empathy, understanding and sympathy.

Uttarabhadrapada natives usually make very good counselors. Water, as we know, has ability to extinguish any fire. In same way, cooling waters of this Nakshatra can ease and cool out all fiery emotions like anger, revenge, jealousy etc. Even in all native tribes of past, everyone used to turn to elder or wise man of tribe to find solace and direction in their troubled times. Level of compassion this Nakshatra can show will obviously depend upon evolutionary status of soul in question.

Calculative aspect of this Nakshatra connects it to all sciences concerned with understanding functionings of universal mind, like astrology, numerology, Yoga, meditation, divination etc.

Natives with Uttarabhadrapada rising on Lagna usually have a serene and calm countenance. They try their best to remain happy even in difficult, disturbing and unfavorable circumstances. Uttarabhadrapada has a tendency to give one a large body with broad shoulders. This can be gauged from fact that oceans are quite expansive. Such natives are usually short in height, with a tendency towards weight gain, especially with age. Uttarabhadrapada usually produces shy, reluctant and passive personalities. Such natives are usually in no hurry, a tendency which in its lowest aspect can make them lazy and prone to inaction in times where action is indispensable.

Much depends on placement of Sani in ascertaining how this Nakshatra will function in a particular nativity. Serpent of depths is quite an immobile and inert creature, and it requires some external agency or force to arouse it. This is why presence of fiery optimistic Grahas like Mangal, Surya and Guru in this Nakshatra help it overcome its latent inertia. In fact, placement of any Graha in this Nakshatra makes it dynamic.

Uttarabhadrapada can initiate destructive or seemingly evil actions, but unlike its predecessor, Purvabhadrapada, it usually does so for some wholesome reason. Uttarabhadrapada, even when causing destruction, puts less emphasis on cruelty and depravity as compared to its predecessor. Uttarabhadrapada’s anger is more sublimated and thus its actions are not mindless.

Reasonability is another key to this Nakshatra. It likes to come out with best possible solutions, which are fair to all parties. Interesting thing to note about this Nakshatra is that it usually has an eye for needs of others, but almost always ends up benefitting from others. Natives born under its strong influence usually benefit from gifts, donations and inheritance etc. One interesting thing to note about this Nakshatra is that it is usually fortunate with making and handling money.

This Nakshatra relates to Vana Prastha, third stage of life according to ancient Vedic texts, in which native is supposed to cut off their worldly chords and retire to forest in order to seek enlightenment. It has secretive, reclusive tendencies, which may sometimes make native under strong influence of this Nakshatra prematurely retire from their worldly duties. No matter what evolutionary status an Uttarabhadrapada native has, there is always some seeking towards some higher awareness.

In universal scheme of things, Uttarabhadrapada relates to ”Varshodyamana Shakti” - power to bring about rain. Its symbolism has raining clouds above, and growing plants below. This imagery obviously has more to it than just being a common fertility reference. Rain here connects with soothing universal vibrations which can flow through our astral and causal bodies, if we open ourselves to them. This spiritual rain comes about from celestial ocean of consciousness when hot Surya (representing our Atman) touches upon it. Reader can refer to image of Uttarabhadrapada to understand whole process better.

Mode of Functioning

It is supposed to be a balanced Nakshatra. We have already seen that this Nakshatra takes its time before acting. When well disposed, it can give one wisdom to put things in their proper perspective. When afflicted, it can make one too conservative and too afraid to confront reality or face transformation.


This Nakshatra belongs to Kshatriya (warrior) caste. It is strange that a prudent Nakshatra like this should be assigned this caste. This comes about because of its association with energies of Pluto and Shiva. Uttarabhadrapada is always a warrior, but not in any aggressive, cruel sense like its predecessor Purvabhadrapada. It works in typical Kshatriya fashion of setting goals and attaining them.


It is a male Nakshatra. Rulership of Guru gives this Nakshatra its male quality. Also its presiding deities are both male.

Body Parts & Humor

It mainly relates to sides of body, including sides of legs, shins and soles of feet.

It is a primarily ”Pitta” (fiery) Nakshatra. This association comes from its symbol of a funeral cot. As we discussed earlier, it is related to earth’s core, which as we know is hottest part of our planet.


It covers range from West to North.


First Pada of this asterism (3° 20’ - 6° 40’ Meena) falls in Simha Navamsa and is ruled by Surya. It represents active, illuminating, proud and achievement oriented side of this Nakshatra. Just like rising or setting sun on oceanic horizon (refer to image), function of this Pada is to spread around light of its experience.

Second Pada of this asterism (6° 40’ - 10° 00’ Meena) falls in Kanya Navamsa ruled by Budh. This relates to analytical, calculative and planning side of this Nakshatra. It tends to find wisdom in small things, and Grahas here are more likely to stay in background then reveal themselves.

Third Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13° 20’ Meena) falls in Tula Navamsa ruled by Sukr. This relates to passive, balance seeking and equilibrium-oriented side of this Nakshatra. Grahas placed here seek wisdom through balance and objectivity. They might, however, become too passive and may lack energy to let their findings be known.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (13° 20’ - 16° 40’ Meena) fails in Vrischika Navamsa ruled by Mangal. This relates to occult, mysterious and hidden aspect of this Nakshatra. This Pada can go to extreme depths of confusion or depths of wisdom. Whichever way it operates, it always has ability to aggressively externalize its energy. Everything is intense here and things are usually likely to get to fever pitch in relation to whatever area this Pada is influencing (Graha or Bhava).


Yoga and meditation experts; counselors & therapists of all types; shamen; healers; practitioners of Tantra and other occult sciences; divinators; renunciates; monks, hermits; those working in charity organizations; researchers; philosophers; poets, writers, musicians and artists; those working in professions requiring extraordinary abilities, whether it be patience, insight, erudition or awareness; professions involving little movement, like shop clerks, night watchmen, doormen; historians; librarians; those who are unemployed and relying on inheritance, legacies or charity.


Libraries, temples & museums; occult book stores; ancient ruins; historical places; cremation grounds; holy sites and pilgrimage places; caves; mountainous caverns; meditation centres; all places suitable for meditation and quiet activities; charity organization compounds; forests, high mountain ranges and other uninhabited solitary places; bottoms of lakes, deep seas & oceans; social welfare centres; centres for psychic and spiritual research.

Guna & Tatva

It is supposed to be a Tamasic Nakshatra. Its basic inert quality and fact that it deals with dissolution on all levels of existence, made ancient Vedic Seers ascribe this Guna to it. We have seen earlier that Shiva, overlord of Tama Guna, is main presiding deity of this Nakshatra.

Ether element predominates for Uttarabhadrapada, as is case with last group of Nakshatras starting from Dhanishta. Its relation to Ether is clear from its wisdom and all-encompassingness.


It is a Manusha (human) Nakshatra. This goes to show that Uttarabhadrapada has a strong involvement in human affairs, even though it relates to other finer realms of existence. It is one of Nakshatras which form a bridge between astral, causal and physical realms, bringing in higher, universal truths into material human frame of existence.

Orientation & Disposition

It is an upward looking Nakshatra. This mainly relates to expansive nature of this asterism. Activities begun under influence of this Nakshatra are more likely to grow and expand with time.

It is a fixed Nakshatra in keeping with nature of its ruling deity, Ahir Bhudanya. As mentioned earlier, he is a very fixed sort of character, who literally and figuratively budges only when absolutely necessary.

Lunar Month & Tithi

It can be seen as Lord of middle 9 days of month known as Bhadrapada. This usually falls in solar calendar month of September.

Uttarabhadrapada is also related to Navami (9th Tithi) of waxing and waning phases of Chandr’s monthly cycle.

Auspicious Activities

Quiet peaceful activities; research, meditation, psychic development & astral exploration; good for making promises, pledges and commitments, including marriage; beginning construction activities - homes, offices etc.; financial dealings; beginning activities requiring support from others; artistic ventures; treatment of diseases; sexual activity; entering a new home; naming children, organizations etc.; planting & gardening.

Inauspicious Activities

Unfavorable for travelling; litigation; dealing with enemies; activities which require quick, swift action in general; speculation & gambling; bad for lending money; too much physical movement or exertion.


Grahas associated with this Nakshatra are Sani, Guru, Ketu (and Neptune). Sani is main Lord of this asterism. In fact, this Nakshatra represents culmination of saturnine energy. This is place where saturnine lessons learnt under Rasis Makara and Kumbha, are synthesized and transformed into true wisdom and enlightenment. Sani’s role here is not that of a hard task master, but that of a wise, old teacher who teaches through patience, perseverance and example. Most refined aspects of Sani’s functionings are expressed through this Nakshatra. At times this Nakshatra can give abundant material prosperity, as one reaps fruits of hard work done in previous lives. In more evolved souls however, this prosperity is bestowed as a result of functioning in tune with universal will. This is Nakshatra where Sani becomes Shiva and can no more be seen as an outcaste, slow, troublesome, painful deity of sorrow.

Guru lends an expansive quality to this Nakshatra. Uttarabhadrapada does not believe in boundaries, and carries within itself all higher jupiterian virtues like compassion, caring, sensitivity and acceptance of Divine will. This Nakshatra has a lot to do with final balancing of energies of Guru and Sani, two Grahas regarded by some astrologers as being most important.

Neptune, as we know, is directly related to celestial ocean, which houses manifest Universe. Uttarabhadrapada as we have seen earlier, is directly related to this ocean through its presiding deity Ahir Bhudanya. Uttarabhadrapada is one of few Nakshatras which sets stage for drama of life. In a way it can be seen as a director of movie called life. This is reason why natives under strong influence of this Nakshatra often take up filmmaking in today’s media-heavy society.

Ketu relates to spiritual / detachment / enlightenment aspect of this asterism. On closer inspection, one finds that Ketu has a strong connection to the way this Nakshatra goes about achieving its spiritual goals. Uttarabhadrapada relates to Raja Yoga, which involves harnessing of Kundalini Shakti and opening of seven sacral centres. Ketu is Graha which relates directly to Kundalini Shakti, and seventh and final centre known as Sahastrara (please refer to author’s previous work ”The Rahu - Ketu experience”, Sagar Publications, India or ”The Key Of Life”, Lotus Press, USA, for more insight on Ketu’s role in this regard).

Active dynamic Grahas like Surya, Mangal and Rahu do best in Uttarabhadrapada. Sani also does well here if it is aspected by active Grahas like Mangal and Guru. Guru, Budh and Sukr can also do well in this Nakshatra when associated with active Grahas.

Guru - Sani conjunction and conjunctions of Ketu and Neptune with Guru and Sani carry an energy similar to this Nakshatra. Sani - Ketu conjunction, however, would relate more to Purvabhadrapada.

Vowels & Alphabets

First Pada (3° 20’ - 6° 40’ Meena) relates to ”Du” as in name ”Durga”.

Second Pada (6° 40’ to 10° 00’ Meena) relates to ”Tha” as in name ”Thatcher.

Third Pada (10° 00’ to 13° 20’ Meena) relates to ”Jha” as in name ”Jhanci”.

Fourth Pada (13° 20’ to 16° 40’ Meena) relates to ”Na” as in name ”Natasha”.

In Sanskrit alphabet, Uttarabhadrapada corresponds to letters ”Sha”, ”Sa” and ”Ha”, and consequently its Mantras are ”Om Sham”, ”Om Sam” and ”Om Ham”.

Sexual Type & Compatibility

Its sexual animal is a Cow, which indicates a docile and passive sexual nature. It is not a very sexually active Nakshatra. It, however, can be quite interested in sex from a Tantra point of view.

For sexual & marital compatibility with other Nakshatras, please refer to table at end of this document.


As a meeting point of energies of Vishnu, preserver, and Shiva, destroyer, this Nakshatra carries a very special influence. It relates to harmonizing aspect of universal mind, which oftentimes uses destruction as a means of preservation. Even Krishna, Vishnu’s incarnation, used destruction (Shiva’s means) to set things right.

This Nakshatra relates to Sahastrara or crown centre, topmost amongst seven Chakras. It is final destination of Kundalini, serpent force residing at base of spine. Thus whole symbolism of this Nakshatra relates to journey of Kundalini from base of spine (which can be equated with bottom of sea), to crown Chakra (which can be equated with surface of celestial ocean).

Left (Ida), right (Pingla) and middle (Sushumna) channels converge and become one at third eye centre. These three channels can be equated with trinity of Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu respectively. Thus this Nakshatra has a special affinity with third eye Chakra (Agneya). It is at third eye centre where perfect equilibrium is established between nature’s three Gunas. This allows one to directly comprehend functionings of universal mind. This is Nakshatra where wisdom is gained, and as a result, all mental, intellectual and emotional thirsts are quenched. After third eye Chakra, there is only one channel, centre one, leading up to crown Chakra, which means that this Nakshatra readies an individual for supreme enlightenment, putting them on a singular path.

”Serpent of depths” is often equated with ”a stream in Milky Way”. This, besides suggesting a path which leads us through darkness of space, hints at fact that serpent imagery is present on all levels of existence - it is Kundalini within our bodies, stream in Milky Way within our galaxy, and Ahir Budhanya in celestial ocean.

Uttarabhadrapada is unfathomable darkness of space in which material Universe dwells. It is nothingness from which everything is born. It is where answer to most basic questions, eventually encountered by all thinkers, scientists, spiritualists and philosophers alike, i.e. ”how did creation come out of nothingness and what existed when nothing existed”, lies.


This Nakshatra is related to Sage Pulahu, one of seven celestial Sages looking after affairs of our galaxy. Name of this Sage translates into ”connector of space”. This makes sense when we recall that Uttarabhadrapada presides over all dark space which harbors creation.


For those suffering from bad effects resulting from afflictions to this Nakshatra, best remedial measure is worship of Shiva, Durga or Vishnu. Practice of Raja Yoga, which involves raising of Kundalini through seven sacred centres, is one of best ways to utilize this Nakshatra’s potential.

Repetition of root Mantras of this Nakshatra - ”Om Sham”, ”Om Sam” and ”Om Ham” 108 times when Chandr transits this Nakshatra and in its corresponding lunar month, is sure to reduce suffering and bring enlightenment into a person’s life.

Persons who are benefiting from positive energy of this Nakshatra can also increase good effects through above mentioned ways. It is helpful for them to wear shades of blue and yellow. It is Nakshatra which encompasses everything classified under term ”psychedelic”, so imagery, patterns and colors associated with ”psychedelia” are good for conveying this Nakshatra’s energy. One should use its directions, lunar month and days when Chandr transits Uttarabhadrapada, to undertake all important actions.


Rabindranath Tagore, famous Indian writer and musician, has Uttarabhadrapada rising on his Lagna. His life, works and image bring out many of qualities discussed earlier. His works are full of compassion, humanity and sensitivity, qualities which form cornerstone of this Nakshatra. He lacked occult prowess which Uttarabhadrapada can bestow in case of more evolved souls. He, however, fits bearded, old wise chief / advisor / teacher archetype, commonly associated with this Nakshatra.


According to Varahamihira, Chandr placed in Uttarabhadrapada denotes ”a happy disposition. Such natives usually end up having lots of children and grandchildren. They are virtuous and make convincing speakers. They are supposed to prevail over their enemies”.

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Prash Trivedi

Prash Trivedi

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