Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri
Dec 27, 20226 Min Read
Vastu or Energy Alignment — (Chapter-1) -DKSCORE

Unlocking the Power of Vastu: The Key to Abundance and Positivity - (Chapter 1)

Vastu or Energy Alignment — (Chapter-1)

This is not a normal Vastu blog -where I am going to pitch you to buy anything or tell you use of mirrors or crystals as that would have been easy for you, I want you to leave the easy path and do Vastu on your own by asking yourself, this is going to be a series as I will write whenever I feel like getting an energy burst from sky.

As Vastu is one of the topics when it comes to mind, all people can think of a person with compass and giving advices on various directions to make your life smoother.

First of all you should understand the before going for an expensive Vastu consultant, I want you to try few things in life which will cost you nothing but will improve your energy of life tremendously.

Understand first what is Vastu- Vastu is a energy alignment based on directions, Universe is continuously giving out energy burst and these energy burst contains abundance of money, love, happiness and Joy as Universe wants you to be the most happiest person in life condition is that you should be in alignment with nature to absorb these energies.

When we are in rhythm that is called “Sur” in Hindi meaning-Gods and when we are out of rhythm same people are called “Asur” or devils, Vastu is about when we get aligned with compass of nature so we can easily receive the positive energy burst.

Instead of correcting our rhythm we try to go for the most complicated task first by hiring a vastu consultant and asking him to make changes in house, As this is the path of least resistance for you, Your brain has automatically figured out that by paying a x amount of money, My life will be sorted but here is a principle of energy for you.

Vastu Crystals

Paths of least resistance never solves biggest problems in life as the resistance of wealth, love, relationships whatever you have kept as a block in your life will still remain the same, that is why any remedy I prescribe, I always tell people that things will go south first few days as negative energy has to leave you and people, objects who are holding these energies will be the first to leave. Take it as a good news.

So get ready in this series of Vastu to correct your energies first, You might be wondering at times, why you attract bad people in life when you are so good and compassionate in life ? My one line answer is because you radiate this energy.

Let me give you a wake up call as it happened with me several years back-Look carefully around you wherever you are sitting at present — Your current scenario, whatever is around you is only resultant of your subconscious energy thoughts what you have believed in your life, even the coffee mug on your table resembles your thoughts, If its round and pot belly shows your nature of accumulation.

Pot belly cup

Nothing can enter your life without your approval but the moment the energy shift will happen things will start changing, most people focus on goal oriented strategy such as — “I want to lose weight” this is the goal and all your plans will be around this goal only.

Instead if you focus on process such as how can I enjoy the process of being healthy- When you tie your outcome to a goal, Until and unless you finish this goal, You will remain unhappy but the moment you shift your mentality to enjoy the healthy lifestyle the goal will be automatically accomplished without you even trying.

Your life outcome never depends on your goals as outcomes are part of your Journey which you enjoy doing everyday, Similar is the case of Vastu correction of energy, Your focus is on goal of achieving a life which has everything you desire to live on earth but you are not focusing on what has lead you till this point of problems.

We need to focus on method that will lead to outcome of more happy life and atmosphere at home, we will start with a simple habit of squares.

If you ever see any Japanese people placing their shoes, you will find Every house has a place for shoes and most people remove shoes and keep them neatly, nicely in a perfect 90 degree position with utmost respect, this is what is called as respect for everyone- An inbuilt discipline.

You know you are in Japan when shoes are perfectly aligned.

One of my friends use to work in a Japanese company and whenever he will start speaking Japanese — he will stand straight with both legs touching each other like, he is actually standing in front of a person — He was like “I cannot speak Japanese without getting in to posture.” It was psychological impact of learning a language.

I want you to start this habit of discipline with everything you use from laptop, shoes, garden hose, kitchen appliances, food plate everything you are going to use throughout the day — Keep it back it utmost respect and gratitude, that today you were blessed to use all these things.

One simple habit until the next blog what you are doing by this is programming your brain for being organized, now pattern which your head makes in your head is of Squares — Japan is the land of Sun and interestingly in Jyotish and Vastu- shape given to Sun is square only. Coincidence ??

One simple remedy to improve your Sun and organize thoughts in your head, The moment your brain again and again start making this pattern of Square in your crown chakra, suddenly you will see that you are getting more productive, your energy level and command will increase, Your self respect and dignity increases and moreover if you are suffering from any malefic effect due to this planet gets null down as now you are continuously making an energy path for the energy you were lacking earlier.

Once you do this- right down your feedback, observations and tell me weather this blog is fine or should we do a weekly podcast for this series.

I will wait for your answers and do not forget to rate us by clicking here.

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