## **Boulesteix, Frédéric**
| **Personal Information:**
| Birthdate: | May 21, 1959 |
| Birth Place: | Algiers, Algeria |
**Social Media Presence:**
| Twitter: | @FredericBoule |
| LinkedIn: | fr/frederic-boulesteix-622bb4 |
**Recent Projects:**
| Principal Investigator: | ERC Advanced Grant "Silicon in Europe: Local Impact, Global Strategies" (2019-2024) |
| Director: | CNRS Research Lab GEM, Paris (2015-present) |
| Fellow: | European Academy of Sciences (2018) |
**Other Notable Information:**
| Research Director: | CNRS |
| Professor: | École Normale Supérieure, Paris |
| Former Fellow: | Institut Universitaire de France (2003-2008) |
| Awards: | CNRS Silver Medal, French Academy of Sciences |
| Expertise: | History of science, technology, and medicine; Science in society; Globalization |
| Publications: | Author of numerous books and articles on the history of chemistry, medicine, and the environment. |
| Other: | Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Science, Technology, & Human Values" |
| Doctorate: | History and Philosophy of Science, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (1995) |
| Habilitation: | History of Science and Technology, University of Paris (2002) |
| Email: | frederic.boulesteix@ens.fr |
| Website: | www.fredericboulesteix.com |