Death:Death by Accident 22 September 1998 at 07:03 AM in Pembroke, MA (Auto accident, age 17) chart Placidus Equal_H. Death of Sibling 22 September 1998 at 07:03 AM in Pembroke, MA (Sister Allison, killed in crash, age 14) chart Placidus Equal_H.
American teenager killed in a car accident 9/22/1998, 7:03 AM, Pembroke, MA. She and three other girls were on their way to school in a car driven by her. When the car hit a patch of rain-filmed road it hydroplaned, Erin lost control and they careened across the dividing line into the path of an oncoming pick-up truck. Colleen Clancy and Erins sister Allison died in the crash, the fourth girl, Shannon Courtney, survived with injuries, All four attended the same Catholic high school, Erin and Coleen as seniors and Allison as a freshman. All four were good students, active in the community and well regarded. Read less
Darling Erin was born on June 19, 1981, in Quincy, United States. She is a public figure who has been involved in a number of projects, including acting, singing, and modeling.