Health : Medical procedure 1977 (Melanoma cancer removed)
Health : End remission 1987 (Melanoma returned)
Health : Medical diagnosis April 1993 (Malanoma of the peritoneum) chart Placidus Equal_H.
Death:Death by Disease 17 February 1994 at 4:02 PM in San Diego, CA (Melanoma cancer, age 43) chart Placidus Equal_H.
American astrologer, a scholar and former teacher in public schools until losing interest in the academic environment. Absorbed with astrology, he was employed by Astro-Computing Service in San Diego and a member of the San Diego Friends of Jung. He wrote booklets for ASC, studied Russian history and was a fine painter. In 1977 he first had a melanoma that was removed but returned in 1987; both external. In April 1993 he began to have abdominal pain and was diagnosed in August as having metastatic melanoma of the peritoneum. He tried three different treatments over the next few months but died on 2/17/1994, 4:02 PM, San Diego, CA. Read less
Born: Wed Oct 18 1950 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Birth Place: San Diego, United States
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