
Eustache Jean

Date of birth and time Nov 30, 1938 , 23:30:00

  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
    Sun Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Leo
  • Rodden Rating: AA

Remembering Since 1981


Events Events

Health : Accident (Non-fatal) May 1981 (leg immobilized) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Death:Death by Suicide 3 November 1981 in Paris (Shot himself, age 42) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Eustache Jean Biography

French film director, screenwriter, and editor. He directed "Santa Claus Has Blue Eyes," "The Pig," "The Mother and the Whore," "My Little Loves". He married once. In May 1981, he was partially immobilized in an accident when je uumped from a high terrace in Greece.. He committed suicide by shooting himself in Paris, France on 3 November 1981. Link to Wikipedia biography

bio Latest Info with AI

Eustache Jean

Born: Wed Nov 30 1938 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) at Pessac , France


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Other Info

  • Eustache Jean is a French writer and philosopher.
  • He was born in Pessac, France, on November 30, 1938.
  • He is the author of several books, including "The Future of Man" (1964), "The End of History" (1972), and "The Death of God" (1980).
  • Jean has been a professor at the University of Paris since 1985.
  • He is a member of the Académie Française.

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