Huret JacquesMichel

Date of birth and time Dec 17, 1957 , 11:00:00

  • Zodiac Sign Libra
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn
  • Rodden Rating: AA



Health : Violent trauma June 1957 (amnesia) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Huret JacquesMichel Biography

French architect, he attended the "Beaux-Arts" in Nancy. In 1987, he was victim of amnesia. Thanks to his family and his friend, Charlélie Couture (singer and painter), he could slowly recover his composure. In 2013, he published a book titled: "I have forgotten 30 years of my life".

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Profile: Jacques-Michel Huret

Jacques-Michel Huret

Profile Information

Date of Birth: December 17, 1957

Place of Birth: Nancy, France

Recent News

As of the latest updates, there are no specific news articles or major public appearances related to Jacques-Michel Huret. Kindly refer to news portals or search engines for the most recent updates.

Social Media Details

  • Twitter: Not available
  • Facebook: Not available
  • LinkedIn: Not available
  • Instagram: Not available

Note: Jacques-Michel Huret does not have a widely recognized presence on major social media platforms as of the latest information.

Recent Projects

Currently, there are no publicly available details regarding recent projects involving Jacques-Michel Huret. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to professional networks or official announcements.

Other Information

Public information about Jacques-Michel Huret is limited. For more detailed and specific inquiries, consider reaching out through professional channels or consulting public records.

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