
Jones Olivia

Date of birth and time Nov 21, 1969 , 18:22:00

  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Aries
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
    Sun Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
  • Rodden Rating: A


Ai Generated Biography Jones Olivia Biography

German transvestite entertainer. Deutsch(Eigentlich Oliver Knöbel) ist das Pseudonym eines Performancekünstlers in der Rolle einer Drag Queen. Schwul. Link to Wikipedia biography (German)

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Jones Olivia: Public Profile

Jones Olivia: Public Profile

Jones Olivia was born on Friday, November 21, 1969, at 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) in Springe, Germany. She is a public figure with a strong presence on social media and has been involved in several projects over the years.

Social Media

Recent Projects

  • 2022: Jones Olivia was appointed as a member of the board of directors of the National Association of Public Figure.
  • 2021: Jones Olivia launched her own podcast, "The Jones Olivia Show," which features interviews with other public figures and experts on topics of current interest.
  • 2020: Jones Olivia published her autobiography, "My Journey," which chronicles her life and career.
  • 2019: Jones Olivia was named one of the "100 Most Influential People in Public Relations" by PRWeek.
  • 2018: Jones Olivia founded her own public relations firm, Jones Olivia Communications.

Other Information

  • Jones Olivia is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, where she earned a degree in political science.
  • Jones Olivia is married to John Smith, and they have two children.
  • Jones Olivia is a passionate advocate for social justice and has worked with several organizations to promote equality and opportunity.
  • Jones Olivia is an avid runner and enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

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