LaimbeerJr William

Date of birth and time May 19, 1957 , 05:17:00

  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
  • Rodden Rating: AA



Work : New Career 1979 (pro-basketball career)

Work : New Job 1982 (traded to Detroit Pistons)

Work : Prize 1989 (sports championship)

Work : Retired 1993 (from pro basketball)

Work : Start Business 1994 (with his father and two sisters)

Ai Generated Biography LaimbeerJr William Biography

American athlete, a forward with the NBA Detroit Pistons from 1982-1993. Laimbeer was considered one of the leagues finest centers despite his nicknames as "the prince of darkness," "a street thug," "an ax murderer" and "His Heinous." He was often booed and jeered on court because of his willingness to throw an elbow, pretend to be fouled, indulge in angry shenanigans to invoke his opponents ire. He was drafted into the NBA in 1979, joining the Cleveland Cavaliers. Later in 1979 he played for a season in Italy. In 1982 he was traded to Detroit and became the Pistons all-time leader in rebounds and second in games played. As "head villain," he led the "Bad Boys" of Detroit to back-to-back championships in 1989 and 1990. Laimbeer once told Sports Illustrated, "I dont fight. I agitate, then walk away." In his career, he was a four-time NBA All-Star (1983, 84, 85, 87) Laimbeer attended high school in California and graduated from Notre Dame. He retired from basketball in 1993 and in 1994 he, his father and his two sisters purchased a company now known as Laimbeer Packaging Co in Melvindale, MI. Laimbeer learned about the business from his father and became president and chief executive officer. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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Profile: LaimbeerJr William

Profile: LaimbeerJr William

Full Name: William Laimbeer Jr.

Date of Birth: May 19, 1957

Place of Birth: Boston, United States


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William Laimbeer Jr. is known for his contributions to various fields and has a significant online presence through his social media profiles.

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