
Date of birth and time Jul 16, 1945 , 01:35:00

  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Aries
  • Rodden Rating: AA



Health : Medical diagnosis August 1996 (Bee sting, anaphylactic shock) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Other Health 11 September 1996 (Saw doctor, anaphylactic shock kit) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography MedicalAnaphylaxis Biography

American white female, so seriously allergic to bee stings that she must keep a kit with her containing a shot that is to be administered immediately. If not, Karen could die from a bee sting. As a child, she was never allergic to bee stings and often had the experience; however, she had her first severe reaction to a sting near the age of 50. An antique dealer, Karen goes to many flea markets and rural estates. In August 1996, she had purchased an antique trunk at an auction in Hartford, OH. When she picked up the trunk to carry it, she was stung. She thought little of it until, after about 20 minutes, she noticed her breathing was getting heavy and she started to intensely itch until she felt faint and had to sit down. The severe itching began in her groin area and underneath her arms. When her abdomen started to swell, she became frightened. Her daughter went and bought some Benadryl for her and they decided to go to Medina hospital, about two hours away. Karen was feeling faint and alarmed. Her husband was not working at the time and she was worried about having no insurance. Driving to the hospital, she felt so sick that they stopped at a gas station where she went in and used the rest room. When she came out, she told her husband that insurance did not matter, just get her to the hospital. By the time they were close to Medina, she felt somewhat better and decided to go home to bed. She saw a doctor on 9/11/1996 when he gave her the bee sting kit. Read less

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