Relationship : Marriage 9 September 1968 (First wife) chart Placidus Equal_H.
Relationship : Divorce dates 28 November 1980 (First wife) chart Placidus Equal_H.
Relationship : Marriage 2 April 1982 (Second marriage) chart Placidus Equal_H.
Work : New Career 1988 (Director of the Presidential Staff Cabinet)
Crime : Trial dates 1994 (Illegal wire-tapping investigation)
French executive in a number of political posts, the head of district cabinets and state secretariats. Menage was director of the Presidential Staff Cabinet in 1988. He married on 9/09/1968; divorced on 11/28/1980 and made a second marriage on 4/02/1982. When an investigation began in 1994 about the illegal wire-tapping activities of the anti-terrorist unit of the Elysée, he was involved along with police officer Pierre-Yves Guezou. In December, Guezou hanged himself, leaving Menage to answer the questions of the grand jury. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less