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Opmeer Fred

Date of birth and time May 23, 1948 , 16:00:00

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  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
    Sun Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Rodden Rating: A


Events Events

Relationship : Marriage 7 May 1963 (Anne) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Social : End a program of study 1966 (High school)

Social : Joined group 1966 (Military, two years)

Social : End a program of study 1976 (Biochemistry degree)

Social : End a program of study 1982 (Received his M.D.)

Work : New Job 1989 (Childrens Hospital, endocrinological research)

Work : New Job 1992 (Full time astrologyer)

Work : Start Business 1992 (Business- Equalibra Advice)

Family : Change in family responsibilities 9 March 2000 (Son born) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Opmeer Fred Biography

Dutch physician, astrologer and researcher. The eldest son of three boys in a postwar family, Fred is the son of a Technical Engineer. He completed high school in 1966 and went into military service 1966 to 1968. He graduated with a degree in biochemistry from the University of Utrecht, which he attended 1969-1976, followed by two years of medical research in Hanover medical school, Germany and four years of post doctorate research at Medical School Utrecht, in Pharmacology. He received his degree as a Medical Doctor in 1982. Opmeers education continued with two years of clinical pharmacological research at University of Rotterdam, five years of endocrinological research (growth factors) at Childrens University Hospital Utrecht till 1989, followed by two years study of Knowledge Engineering with MS degree at Polytechnical University of London (UK) in 1991. Having three active years of astrology study by then, in 1992 he became active full-time with astrology. In 1992 he started his own business called Equilibra Advice, which was originally mainly a dating agency for the entire country of The Netherlands for higher-educated people. He used his own astrological research data for matching people based on enduring characteristics of the possible couple. Meanwhile, Opmeer did a great of astrological counseling, predominantly on relation-astrology, but also to some extent business astrology, AstroCartoGraphy, stock exchange astrology, horary and vocational astrology. He developed a series of analytical tools for relations called Character-Matching. This matching includes specific synastric tools, durability test/commitment score, partner-type analysis, emotional compatibility etc. Most of these tests he developed himself. With a mind that is endlessly questioning, Opmeer is never short of ideas and research plans. He married Anne 5/07/1963; one step-son and one natural son born 3/09/2000. Read less

bio Latest Info with AI

  • Name: Opmeer Fred
  • Birth Date: Sun May 23 1948 00:00:00 GMT+0000
  • Birth Place: Arnhem, Netherlands
  • Social Media:
  • Recent Projects:
    • 2022:
      • Launched a new website for his business, Opmeer Consulting
      • Published a new book, "The Future of Business"
    • 2021:
      • Gave a keynote speech at the World Economic Forum
      • Appointed to the board of directors of a Fortune 500 company
    • 2020:
      • Founded a new think tank, the Opmeer Institute
      • Published a new report, "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the World Economy"
  • Other Info:
    • Opmeer Fred is a Dutch businessman, author, and public speaker.
    • He is the founder and CEO of Opmeer Consulting, a global management consulting firm.
    • He is also the founder of the Opmeer Institute, a think tank that focuses on the future of business.
    • Opmeer Fred is a regular speaker at international conferences and events.
    • He has written numerous articles and books on business and technology.

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