Palle Albert

Date of birth and time Sep 14, 1916 , 04:00:00

  • Zodiac Sign Pisces
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Leo
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
  • Rodden Rating: AA



Work : Prize 1959 (Prix Renaudot for Lexpérience)

Death:Death, Cause unspecified 2007

Ai Generated Biography Palle Albert Biography

French writer, and winner of the 1959 Prix Renaudot. Palle was a student of Jean Paul Sartre. -- The Prix Renaudot, while not officially related to the Prix Goncourt, is a kind of complement to it, announcing its laureate at the same time and place as the Prix Goncourt, namely on the first Tuesday of November at the Drouant restaurant in Paris. The Renaudot jurors always pick an alternative laureate in case their first choice is awarded the Prix Goncourt. The prize is named after Théophraste Renaudot, who created the first French newspaper in 1631. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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Profile of Palle Albert

Profile of Palle Albert

Born: September 14, 1916

Birthplace: Le Havre, France


As of now, there are no recent news updates available for Palle Albert.

Social Media

Palle Albert was born in 1916, and it is highly unlikely that he has any social media profiles given the era he was born in.

Recent Projects

Given Palle Albert's birth year of 1916, it is improbable that he is currently involved in any recent projects.

Other Information

There is limited information available about Palle Albert. Given the birth year, it is likely that he has passed away as he would be over 100 years old if still living.

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