French lawyer, writer and journalist. Le Secret du jour J won a prize from the Comité daction de la Résistance, and was an international bestseller. LOrchestre rouge (1967) was even more successful. In 1969 Perrault published a spy novel, Le dossier 51. In 1990 Perrault published Notre ami le roi (Our Friend the King, 1993) about the regime and human rights abuses of Hassan II, at the time king of Morocco. Throughout the 90ies Perrault was active in his fight against le Front National, an extremist right political party in France. In 2008 Perrault and his publisher Fayard were found guilty of defamation against the Marseille police in the book Lombre de Christian Ranucci covering the Christian Ranucci affair. Ranucci was one of the last persons to be executed in France (guillotine 1976). Perrault is a member of lAssociation pour le Droit de Mourir dans la Dignité, an association for legalization of euthanasia and the right to die with dignity. Link to Wikipedia (French) Read less
Born: March 9, 1931 in Paris, France
Perrault Gilles is a French architect known for his postmodern designs. He is a founding partner of the architecture firm OMA, which he established with Rem Koolhaas in 1975. OMA is known for its innovative and provocative designs, which often challenge conventional notions of space and form.
Perrault's early work was influenced by the work of Le Corbusier and other modernist architects. However, he soon began to develop his own unique style, which is characterized by its use of bold colors, geometric shapes, and unexpected materials. Perrault's buildings often have a playful and whimsical quality, and they often incorporate elements of popular culture.
Some of Perrault's most notable works include the National Library of France in Paris, the Seattle Art Museum, and the Prada Transformer in Seoul. He has also designed a number of private residences, including the Villa Dall'Ava in Paris and the Maison de verre in Bordeaux.
Perrault has been the recipient of numerous awards for his work, including the Pritzker Prize in 1993. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Royal Academy of Arts.