
Date of birth and time Dec 7, 1918 , 15:25:00

  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
  • Rodden Rating: A

Remembering Since 1918



Relationship : End significant relationship 7 December 1918 at 3:25 PM in Lincoln (Appearance and death (without knowledge)) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Death:Death, Mysterious 7 December 1918 at 3:25 PM in Lincoln (Last greetings) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography PhenomenaAppearanceofadyingfriend Biography

English case of death coincidence. At 15.25 pilot officer MConnell was killed in an accident.To the same time his friend J.Larkin had an appearance:The door was opened as he always did,with much noise.The friends exchanged greetings,then MConnell went.In Lincoln his friend heard his friend had died, but he couldnt believe it,as he was absolutely sure having seen him at 15:30.It seems he knew of his friends death before he heard anything of it.Appearance and death were identical - telepathy could be the clue.One of the best documented cases.Larkins letter: "David,in his flying clothes,about 11 a.m. went to the hangars intending to take a machine to the Aerial Range for machine-gun practice.He came in the room again at 11:30 and told me that he did not go the range but that he was taking a camelto Tadcaster drome.He said:"I except to be back in time. Cheero."He walked out and half a minute later knocked at the window and asked me to hand him his map which he had forgotten.After I had lunch, I spent the afternoon writing letters and reading sitting in front of the stove fire...I was sitting as I have said in front of the fire,the door of the room being about eight feet away at my back. I heard someone walking up the passage;the door openend with the usual noise and clatter which David always made;I heard his Hello boy! and I turned half round in my chair and saw him standing in the doorway,half in and half out of the room,holding the door-knob in his hand.He was in his full flying clothes,but wearing his naval cap,there being nothing unusual in his appearance.His cap was pushed back on his head,and he was smiling as he always was when he came into the room and greeted us.In reply to his Hello boy!I remarked HelloBack already?He repliedYes. Got there all right, had a good trip.I am not positively sure of the exact words he used,but he saidHad a good tripor Had a fine tripor words to that effect. I was looking at him the whole time he was speaking.He saidWell,cheero!closed the door noisily and went out. It is evident that the "appearances" - like fathers,friends or brother - have the wish to show themselves a last time as they were in their life,e.g. the father dying, with a last goodbye.In the story of Larkin and MConnell one thing is special:MConnell was standing in the doorway,half in and half out of the room.Between. Read less

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