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Rice Frank

Date of birth and time Sep 13, 1915 , 13:00:00

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  • Zodiac Sign Libra
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Leo
    Sun Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
  • Rodden Rating: C


Events Events

Death:Death by Disease 17 April 1970 at 4:17 PM (Cancer surgery age 54) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Rice Frank Biography

American educator, an English professor who was popular for his sense of humor. He did his dissertation for his Ph.D. on George Eliot, and he loved music, an accomplished pianist and organist for pleasure. He was the son of a physician who gave him X-rays to treat ring worm on his face at 10. He had high blood pressure starting about 11. Fatally ill Christmas, 1937, when his brother, in pre-med, diagnosed him as having trench mouth, not diphtheria for which he was being treated, saving his life. He had a sports injury at about 25 and knee surgery, later pain from arthritis in the knee. He smoked and drank. In mid-57, a carcinoma inside his chin was removed. Cancer of the tongue was discovered 11/69 and treated with cobalt. The tumor returned Spring 1970. Died 4/17/1970 one hour into a radical operation, declared dead at 2:04 PM. Read less

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### Rice Frank: Public Profile


Rice Frank was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on September 13, 1915.

Social Media:

Rice Frank does not appear to have any active social media accounts.

Recent Projects:

No information available about Rice Frank's recent projects.

Other Information:

  • Rice Frank is a retired military officer.
  • He served in the United States Army during World War II.
  • He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his service in the war.
  • Rice Frank is a member of the American Legion.

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