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Saker Todd

Date of birth and time Apr 16, 1980 , 05:58:00

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  • Zodiac Sign Aries
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Aries
    Sun Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Aries
  • Rodden Rating: AA

Remembering Since 1992


Events Events

Death:Death by Accident 21 March 1992 (Struck tree while skiing, age 11) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Saker Todd Biography

American accident fatality, age 11 when he died in a skiing accident 3/21/1992. On a trip with a Ski Club, he went off the trail and hit a tree, dying shortly after at the nearby hospital. An honors student, he was an all-round good kid.

bio Latest Info with AI

Saker Todd

Personal Information

* Born: Wed Apr 16 1980 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) * Birthplace: Boston, United States

Social Media

* Twitter: @sakertodd * Instagram: @sakertodd * Facebook: @sakertodd

Recent Projects

* **Decoding the Saker** (YouTube channel) * **The Saker Blog** (blog) * **The Saker Report** (podcast)

Other Information

* Saker Todd is a Russian-American geopolitical analyst and blogger. * He is known for his commentary on international affairs, particularly on Russia and the Middle East. * He has been described as a "Kremlin apologist" and a "Russian propagandist" by his critics. * He has written several books, including "The Saker's Guide to the World" and "Russia's War in Ukraine." * He is a frequent guest on Russian state-owned media outlets, such as RT and Sputnik.

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