Severino Manoel

Date of birth and time Jul 22, 1936 , 15:00:00

  • Zodiac Sign Leo
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
  • Rodden Rating: AA


Ai Generated Biography Severino Manoel Biography

Brazilian boxer, nicknamed Leão do Norte (Lion of the North), considered by experts as one of the biggest names in Brazilian boxing of all time. He fought for the Academia Santa Rosa (Santa Rosa Academy). His most famous fight was against Carlos Monzón, competing for the South American title, staged at Luna Park in Buenos Aires on 27 September 1969. After two fights were tied, he lost the fight in the third attempt for the title, with the referee awarding the victory to Monzón. Severinos last fight was on 28 September 1973 against Miguel de Oliveira in São Paulo. He is married to Zélia Quirino Pereira, and the father of four children. Link to Wikipedia biography (Portuguese) Read less

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Severino Manoel - Public Profile

Severino Manoel

Date of Birth: July 22, 1936

Place of Birth: Recife, Brazil


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Additional Information

Severino Manoel, born in Recife, Brazil, has had a long and varied career. While specific details about his recent activities and projects are not readily available, he has been known for his contributions in various fields over the years. To stay updated, follow his social media profiles listed above.

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