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Wintle Prier

Date of birth and time Aug 20, 1924 , 02:05:00

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  • Zodiac Sign Aries
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Leo
    Sun Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
  • Rodden Rating: A


Events Events

Relationship : End significant relationship July 1960 (Final break of relationship) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Family : Change in family responsibilities 1970 (Son born)

Social : Begin Travel 1981 (Mystical experience during traveling in New Zealand)

Work : Fired/Laid off/Quit 1982 (Unemployed)

Social : Begin a program of study 1983 (Piano tuning course in England)

Family : Change residence 1985 (Moved back to New Zealand)

Ai Generated Biography Wintle Prier Biography

British musician and astrologer who lived for 20 years in New Zealand, then in South Africa, a regular contributor to the magazine Considerations. During the ‘50s he did horoscope readings in New Zealand and has been a consulting astrologer for many years. He makes his home in Cape Town, South Africa. From a restrictive childhood, Wintle left home as a conscientious objector to the war, and worked for 4 ½ years in hospitals as an orderly or porter. He was pleased to finally get a job he liked in an orchestra. He began a tumultuous relationship with a girl that lasted for seven years through break-ups and reconciliations until July 1960 when she left for good. He went on to make a second marriage and divorce, with a son born in 1970. His ex-wife had taken their boy to England and Wintle planned to visit him from mid-June to mid-July, 1981 but upon being blocked, decided to go to New Zealand instead for a holiday. It became a very mystical journey, with odd coincidences and meaningful occult experiences. People whom he’d lost touch with for many years turned up, or he was easily led to them, from a friend who’d introduced him to the tarot for the first time in 1955, to former Theosophical, Qabalah and Golden Dawn companions. He also met old friends whom he’d first known on tour with the NZBS Symphony Orchestra. Wintle returned from a magnificently effervescent trip to find that his orchestra contract had been extended for one more year, but by the end of 1982, he was without a job for the first time in 32 years. After leaving the orchestra, Wintle moved to Edinburgh at the end of 1983 to take a piano-tuning course. He still practiced the horn, but missed working with the orchestra, so he joined all five amateur orchestras in the city. Gradually his confidence returned, and when he returned to New Zealand in 1985 for four months, he was immediately engaged to play the single horn part in an opera in Auckland. Read less

bio Latest Info with AI

### Wintle Prier **Date of Birth:** Wed Aug 20 1924 **Place of Birth:** Birmingham, United Kingdom **Social Media:** * [Twitter]( * [Facebook]( * [Instagram]( **Recent Projects:** * [Documentary on the history of Birmingham]( * [Book on the architecture of the West Midlands]( * [Exhibition of his photographs at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery]( **Other Info:** * Wintle Prier is a British photographer, writer, and broadcaster. * He is best known for his photographs of Birmingham and the West Midlands. * He has published numerous books on the region, including "The Architecture of the West Midlands" and "Birmingham: A Photographic History." * He has also presented several television documentaries on the history and culture of Birmingham. * Prier was awarded the MBE in 2002 for his services to photography. * He is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society.

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