The German astrologer was a profound connoisseur of the tertiary direction and he developed the converse direction. After graduating from high school and several war wounds, he obtained a diploma in English as an interpreter in 1947 and then studied philosophy, German, English and Romance languages and literature at Freie Universität Berlin. He has been a certified astrologer of the DAV since 1964 and an honorary member of the Centre International dAstrologie (Paris) since 1967. He is known as the first German-speaking astrologer who assumes a regressive ephemeris - in collaboration with E.H. Troinski - i.e. that time progresses in both progressive (forward) and regressive (backward) directions from an event time. This concept - developed and published in 1964 - is a prerequisite for todays widespread practice of managing any progressive direction of the horoscope, but also of transits, conversely. Read less
Born: July 17, 1919 in Berlin, Germany