Prash Trivedi
Prash Trivedi
Dec 30, 202319 Min Read
Anuradha Nakshatra by Prash Trivedi -DKSCORE

Exploring the Mysteries of Anuradha Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology: A Guide by Prash Trivedi

3° 20’ Vrischika - 16°40’ Vrischika In the Sky

Anuradha consists of three stars in a row, which were seen by ancients as forming a shape similar to a staff. These three stars are known in modem astronomy as Beta Scorpionis (Acrab), Delta Scorpionis (Isidis) & Pi Scorpionis. All of these stars lie in beginning of zodiacal constellation of Vrischika. Beta Scorpionis is brightest among these stars, with a visual magnitude of 2.62. All of these stars can be easily spotted in dark night sky from countryside, if one locates bright star Antares in constellation of Vrischika, close to white stretch of Milky way. These three stars lie directly above this bright star, in a staff like formation (very close to a straight line).


”Anuradha” translates simply into ”another Radha” or ”after Radha”. Its alternative meaning is ”subsequent success”. This name, as we can see, has its root in fact that it follows asterism Radha (Vishakha). Even though it is not apparent straightaway, often ignored fact is that these asterisms (Vishakha & Anuradha) form a pair, in same way as Purvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni.


”A staff”, main symbol of this asterism, is directly derived from shape ancient Vedic Seers ascribed to its constituent stars. Staff has always been seen as a symbol of power and protection. In Puranic lore, most of exalted Sages carry a staff. It is in fact only weapon that they carry, but it is usually more than enough as it carts within itself all power of their penance.

Readers can refer to Puranic story of Vishwamitra challenging Sage Vashishta, where all of Vishwamitra’s weapons, including Brahmastra (similar to a nuclear missile) were useless against Vashishta’s staff. These Sages never used a staff for offensive purposes. It is only used for self-defense. It typifies wisdom and learning and thus can only act in congruence with Universal mind. This Nakshatra relates to learning and retention of learning. It also relates to one’s relationship with Universal force. Stronger contact, more powerful effect of this Nakshatra becomes.

”A lotus” is another symbol ascribed by scholars and Sages to this Nakshatra. Since ancient times, qualities of purity, auspiciousness, knowledge and enlightenment have been associated with lotus. In fact, Saraswati, goddess of learning, and Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity, are often depicted as sitting atop a lotus.

A lotus has ability to grow in muddy waters. This represents ability of this Nakshatra to keep itself pure and Satvic in any surroundings. It also signifies attainment of knowledge through muddy puddles of mental, intellectual and emotional confusion.

A ”triumphant gateway adorned with leaves” is another alternative symbol of this Nakshatra. Readers will remember that preceding asterism, Vishakha, also has this as its main symbol. As we mentioned earlier, Vishakha is a sort of an ally or co-worker of Anuradha. Just like Vishakha, Anuradha also represents victory.

It is also a goal-centered Nakshatra in much same way as its ally, but its goals are usually more in tune with universal plan. It also likes to attain its goals through group work rather than going it alone. This is probably reason why Anuradha attains its goals more smoothly and effortlessly, in comparison to Vishakha. Vishakha is often reluctant to take help or cooperate with allies. In my experience, I have seen that Vishakha, more often than not, needs allies to attain its goals. In most cases this ally is Anuradha.


Mitra, one of twelve Adityas (solar deities), rules Anuradha. Name ”Mitra” translates into ”friend”. Thus it comes as no surprise that he is solar deity related to friendships, good faith and cordiality. His qualities infuse this Nakshatra with lightheartedness, warmth, leadership, friendliness, helpfulness and a generally optimistic view of life. Mitra’s concern for friendship can be seen from fact that he is never invoked alone. He is always invoked along with either Varuna (ruling deity of Shatabishak) or Aryaman (ruling deity of Uttaraphalguni). One can easily deduce from above that Anuradha is most friendly with these two Nakshatras.

If it weren’t for Mitra, world would be a much more dangerous place to live in. All natural qualities usually associated with Rasi Kumbha correlate to Mitra, as well as Anuradha. It is interesting to note that Anuradha lies in 10th Bhava for those born with Kumbha rising. Under guidance of Mitra, sometimes even enemies can work together in order to achieve a goal. Readers can refer to ”Churning of Ocean” story in author’s previous work ”The Rahu - Ketu Experience”, Sagar Publications, India, or ”The Key Of Life”, Lotus Press, USA, where bitter enemies, gods and demons, agreed to work together for attaining certain ends.

Since Anuradha is so concerned with learning and accumulation of knowledge, Saraswati, goddess of learning, can be said to be strongly connected to this Nakshatra. This is only way one can explain musical prowess of this Nakshatra. As we have seen earlier, Saraswati always sits on a lotus (a symbol of Anuradha) with a Vina (stringed instrument).

Nature & Functioning

Keyword for Anuradha is ”exploration”. This exploration, however, is not a lonesome ordeal, but a joyous, communal combination of people and energies. Anuradha brings to life hidden secrets of nature’s functionings through establishing a bridge between naturally discordant energies.

Anuradha fosters communication between all extremes - young and old, mature and immature, more evolved and less evolved, different races, castes etc. Anuradha can thus be seen as a universal solvent. Most of Anuradha’s tendencies put it outside orthodox, social gambit. This is reason why it falls in heart of Vrischika, a Rasi which questions and grows out of social sensibilities, represented by Rasi Tula. In a way, Anuradha is Nakshatra of revolutionaries, who rebel against outdated ways of thinking and being. In present times, Anuradha is one of Nakshatras which has ability to see through reality behind all fake media propaganda on social, and political levels.

Fact that Anuradha is open to all doesn’t mean that it doesn’t discriminate. Evolved Anuradha natives are in fact quite discriminative and cautious as to who they let into their inner circle. In present day and age, where every Nakshatra’s energy has been utilized for negative ends, Anuradha falls prey to excessive openness and frivolous friendships.

Logic oriented approach of this Nakshatra accounts for fact that many Anuradha natives are attracted to material sciences like mathematics and physics. Ability of Anuradha to combine logic, intuition and freedom of thought, produces deep thinkers in every field. Numbers are something which takes Anuradha’s fancy like no other thing. A lot of Anuradha natives have a strong interest either in occult or mundane numerology or statistics. Anuradha always tries to broaden its horizons in relation to its area of interest. More evolved soul, more all encompassing vision.

Natives with strong influence of Anuradha on their Lagna are born with stout hairy bodies. They have prominent chest and thighs, and have a tendency to develop a belly with age. Their face conveys a sense of friendliness and well-being. A slight hint of secrecy emanates from eyes and overall demeanor in general. Their social behavior fluctuates between passivity and exuberance. Combining friendliness with aloofness is their special gift.

Anuradha natives are usually seen making special effort to put people at ease and love to act as a bridge between people, groups and organizations. They are very interested in anything to do with occult and hidden issues in general. They are extremely sensitive on an emotional plane, even though they like to put up a tough impenetrable exterior.

It is their ability to keep up solid exteriors which makes them good organizers. Anuradha natives are often seen to be founders and leaders of organizations. They have original minds which are melting pots of myriad pieces of knowledge, understanding and experience.

Most Anuradha natives channel their emotional energy in form of devotion to some higher deity, universal energy or cause. Anuradha natives are at their most versatile when they have to combine their talents with others. Despite their need for constant interaction, most Anuradha natives have to spend a lot of time alone, at one time of their lives or other.

Curiosity makes them travel a lot, especially to foreign lands. They have quite an easy time relating to and adjusting to foreign environments, in comparison to other Nakshatras. In fact, living in foreign lands is usually very satisfying and fruitful for them.

In universal scheme of things, Anuradha relates to ”Radhana Shakti” - power of worship. Its symbolism has ascension above and descension below. This symbolism stresses upon Anuradha’s ability to explore and understand both lower and higher Lokas through its devotion to universal energies.

Mode of Functioning

Anuradha is considered to be a passive Nakshatra. By itself, Anuradha is a highly passive energy, just like a seesaw in its stationary balanced position. It usually requires an external agency in form of co-workers / friends to put it into action. Its passive quality often results from Sani overpowering Mangal, while its activity results from martian and saturnine energies being in equal balance.


It belongs to Shudra caste. This classification obviously relates to fact that Sani, Shudra Graha, is planetary Lord of Anuradha. Anuradha is a service orientated Nakshatra. Even a leader is nothing but servant to those he leads.


It is a male Nakshatra. This classification relates to its male presiding deity and its association with male Graha Mangal. Anuradha represents masculine force, which tries to open up and look through wheel of nature.

Body Parts & Humor

Breasts, stomach, bowels and womb are body parts related to this Nakshatra.

It is a primarily ”Pitta” (fiery) Nakshatra. Anuradha relates to all electrical and astral fires within our body.

Astral fires are carried by three channels - Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.


It is related primarily to North, South and West.


First Pada of this asterism (3° 20’ - 6° 40’ Vrischika) falls in Simha Navamsa ruled by Surya. Emphasis here is on understanding one’s inner self and applying that understanding in outer world through career etc. Tendency towards excessive pride or militancy has to be curbed here, if one wants positive expression of intense energy available here. Surya, Mangal, Guru and Ketu are especially strong in this Pada.

Second Pada of this asterism (6° 40’ - 10° 00’ Vrischika) falls in Kanya Navamsa ruled by Budh. This Pada is all about continuous learning, discipline, discrimination, group work and organization. This Pada delves into mysteries of Universe and in doing so, takes mystery out of them. Numbers, calculation and classification are its domain. Being a Pushkara Navamsa Pada, it promises fulfillment of objectives. Budh & Rahu are especially strong here.

Third Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13° 20’ Vrischika) falls in Tula Navamsa ruled by Sukr. Concerns here can range from arts, music, bohemia, to occult. There is always a certain degree of self-undoing and wastefulness associated with this Pada. Grahas here give a highly sociable nature. Sukr and Sani suit this Pada’s energies more than other Grahas.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (13° 20’ - 16° 40’ Vrischika) falls in Vrischika Navamsa ruled by Mangal. There is abundant energy available here to pursue all kinds of esoteric and exoteric goals. Only struggle here lies in channeling energy constructively in tune with Universal functionings. Grahas here function from a plane of excessive passion and emotion. They can give ability to achieve much, if rest of nativity supports it. Surya, Guru and Ketu are better suited to handling energy of this Pada.


Hypnotists & psychic mediums; occultists; institution & organization heads; astrologers; spies; all occupations involving night duty; photographers; cinema related professions in general; musicians; artists; managers; industrialists; promoters; counselors; psychologists; scientists; numerologists; statisticians; mathematicians; explorers; miners; factory workers; diplomats; all professions connected with dealing with foreign countries, travel and foreigners; all professions requiring group activity.


Forests; mountains; caves & caverns; lakes; isolated landscapes; old ruins, castles etc.; stadiums; metropolis; technological & industrial areas; study & research places; temples & other places used for practice and study of religion and occult / spiritual topics; places of occult significance; organization headquarters; all places connected with above mentioned professions.

Guna & Tatva

It is supposed to be a Tamasic (inert) Nakshatra. This classification comes about due to its relationship with Mangal and Sani, two inherently Tamasic Grahas. It is Anuradha’s job to create evolution through balancing of two opposing Tamasic tendencies. Evolution on all planes takes place by taking middle path. Even though Anuradha is a Tamasic Nakshatra, it has power to bring about spiritual flowering through inner gentleness and balancing of opposites.

It belongs to fire element. Its relationship with fiery Graha Mangal is responsible for this classification. Anuradha’s fire is more like fire over water, unlike explosive petrol fire of Mesha. Its fieriness is responsible for its warmth, friendship and associations.


It is considered a Deva (godly) Nakshatra. This classification is clear from its soft, mild and tender Mode of Functioning. Anuradha is Nakshatra which strives to create harmony and understanding at all levels of existence. Besides making humans work with each other, it has capacity to make gods, demons, humans, serpents and Sages all work together for a common cause.

Orientation & Disposition

It is a level Nakshatra in keeping with its balanced nature. Since main task of Anuradha is to balance out energies of two contrary Grahas, Mangal and Sani, it has to work in a level way.

It is a ”Mridu” or soft, tender and mild Nakshatra. Best way to understand this classification is to think about Anuradha’s symbol, a lotus. A lotus is a soft and tender flower with a mild scent. This just goes to show that Anuradha’s approach to uncovering wheel of nature isn’t that of a forceful warrior, but that of a gentle lover.

Lunar Month & Tithi

It relates to second half of lunar month of Vaishakha. This month usually corresponds to middle or late May in solar calendar.

Anuradha is also related to Dvadashi (12th Tithi) of waxing and waning phases of Chandr’s monthly cycle.

Auspicious Activities

Group related activities; research & study in sciences or occult subjects; meditation; exploring nature; favorable for managerial activities requiring on spot decision making; good for travel; immigration & dealing with all foreign affairs; healing; spending time with friends; finances & accounting; quiet reflection; secretive activities.

Inauspicious Activities

Marriage; not good for activities requiring direct confrontation; not good for inaugurations or beginnings; unfavorable for routine, mundane activities.


Mangal, Sani and Ketu (and Pluto) are Grahas connected to this Nakshatra. Sani is main planetary Lord here and its strong influence is evident in discipline inherent in Anuradha. Sani makes Anuradha serious about life in general. It makes Anuradha natives go beyond superficial layers of regular social interactions and search for answers to mysteries of life. It gives them an ability to understand and then transcend limitations of material realm. A well-defined sense of purpose for one’s existence is sought here through influence of two main karmic Grahas - Sani and Ketu.

Ketu is responsible for this Nakshatra’s foray into occult and unseen hidden realms of existence. Mangal provides initiative, impulse and energy necessary for any exploration. (Pluto expands conscious and sub-conscious boundaries, allowing Anuradha to tap into collective rather than personal concerns.)

Mangal / Sani conjunctions or mutual aspects, especially when they are placed in saturnine Rasis or Nakshatras, carry an energy similar to that of Anuradha. (Sani / Pluto, Ketu / Pluto, Saturn / Mars / Pluto conjunctions also partly carry energies similar to that of Anuradha.)

All Grahas have an ability to function in a beneficial way in this Nakshatra. Like always, their level of beneficiality depends upon overall tone of nativity and evolutionary status of native.

Vowels & Alphabets

First Pada of this asterism (3° 20’ - 6° 40’ Vrischika) corresponds to ”Na” as in Nassau.

Second Pada of this asterism (6° 40’ - 10° 00’ Vrischika) corresponds to ”Ni” as in Nilofer.

Third Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13° 20’ Vrischika) corresponds to ”Nu” as in Nutan.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (13° 20’ - 16° 40’ Vrischika) corresponds to ”Ne” as in Neha.

In Sanskrit alphabet, Anuradha corresponds to ”Tam”, ”Tham” and ”Dam”, consequently its Mantras are ”Om Tam”, ”Om Tham” and ”Om Dam”.

Sexual Type & Compatibility

Its sexual animal is a deer. Deer qualities like shyness, gentleness, delicacy and fickleness are expressed in sexual behavior of those under influence of this Nakshatra. Anuradha is most compatible with other deer Nakshatra, Jyeshta.

For marital & sexual compatibility with other Nakshatras, please refer to tables at end of this document.


Anuradha, being 17th Nakshatra, relates to number 17. This number is usually seen as a bringer of celestial waters down to earth plane. It allows for a safe refuge from vicissitudes of life. It must be mentioned here that Anuradha is Nakshatra presiding over science of numerology. Universe, in a way, is a game of numbers, and numerology forms backbone of all esoteric sciences, like astrology. Anuradha is a decoder of secret functionings of Universe.

Real function of Anuradha, however, relates to movement of Kundalini (serpent energy) through Chakras (seven sacral centres). Awakening of Kundalini from its dormant state in Muladhara Chakra happens under energies of Ashlesha. After Ashlesha, Anuradha is first Nakshatra where a full scale exploration of all Chakras takes place. This exploration usually bears a lot of fruits within same lifetime - one’s old Karmas get nullified and one gets access to universal functionings. Bodily nerves become capable of carrying direct, astral, causal impressions. In other words, one becomes friends with Universe.

Out of this friendship comes harmony and balance in one’s thoughts and actions. If full potential of Anuradha is utilized, there is no Karma being birthed through actions and only a seeking for knowledge and enlightenment remains.

Story of how Anuradha becomes friend with Universe starts with its pair Nakshatra, Radha (Vishakha). Once one has utilized Vishakha’s one-pointed approach to dedicate oneself to one of governing energies of Universe, it is but natural that a very friendly and intimate rapport will be established by time Anuradha comes along.

More is expected out of Anuradha than just personal enlightenment. Anuradha is supposed to share its experiences and accumulated knowledge with its fellow beings (souls). This spreading of knowledge is meant to be in a coded form, so that it only reaches those who are ripe enough to receive it. Story of Sage Vishwamitra (name translates into ”friend of whole world”), who went on to become a Brahmarishi (highest post in hierarchy of Sages) from an ordinary king, encompasses various aspects of Anuradha’s functionings from a universal standpoint.


This Nakshatra is related to Sage Angiras, one of seven celestial Sages looking after affairs of our galaxy. Name of this Sage translates into ”fiery one”. Association of Anuradha with this particular Rishi is not very apparent, except for fact that Anuradha falls in Rasi Vrischika, ruled by fiery Grahas Mangal and Ketu (and Pluto).


For those suffering from bad effects resulting from afflictions to this Nakshatra, best remedial measure is worship of twelve Adityas, especially Mitra. Alternatively, one can worship half Vishnu, half Shiva form, commonly known as Hari Hara. Practice of Raja Yoga, which involves raising of Kundalini through seven sacred centres is one of ways to utilize this Nakshatra’s potential.

Repetition of root Mantra of this Nakshatra - ”Om Yam” and ”Om Ram” [?] 108 times when Chandr transits this Nakshatra and in its corresponding lunar month, is sure to reduce suffering and bring enlightenment into a person’s life.

Persons who are benefiting from positive energy of this Nakshatra can also increase good effects through above mentioned ways. It is helpful for them to wear colors like red, blue and gold. They should use its directions, lunar month and days when Chandr transits Anuradha, to undertake all important actions.


Jim Morrison, singer & songwriter of famous 60’s group ”The Doors”, was born with Anuradha rising on his Lagna. His life, personality and works reveal mysterious functionings of this occult Nakshatra.

Friedreich Nietzsche, famous philosopher, has his Chandr placed in Anuradha. Readers can refer to birth chart analysis of both these personalities in author’s previous work (”The Rahu - Ketu Experience”, Sagar Publications, India, or ”The Key of Life”, Lotus Press, USA).


According to Varahamihira, Chandr in Anuradha makes one ”wealthy, a traveler, living in foreign countries, and one needs to satisfy their appetite immediately, as they find it difficult to bear hunger”.


According to Varahamihira, Chandr in Anuradha Nakshatra makes one wealthy, a traveler, living in foreign countries, and one who needs to satisfy their appetite immediately.

Language and Cultural References

Anuradha Nakshatra in Malayalam is known as അനുരാധ നക്ഷത്രം, reflecting its importance in regional astrology. Anuradha Nakshatra in Hindi is अनुराधा नक्षत्र, widely discussed in Vedic astrology texts. Anuradha Nakshatra in Tamil is அனுராதா நக்ஷத்திரம், considered auspicious in Tamil culture. The Anuradha star holds significant cultural and astrological importance across different regions and languages.

Is Anuradha Nakshatra Auspicious?

Is Anuradha Nakshatra auspicious? Yes, it is generally considered auspicious due to its associations with learning, protection, and harmony. The Anuradha Nakshatra lord is Sani, which adds discipline and seriousness to its auspicious qualities.


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Prash Trivedi

Prash Trivedi

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