Jun 8, 20245 Min Read
From Heaven to the Underworld: The Astrological Significance of the Sun and Moon in Past life Analysis -DKSCORE

Astrological Significance of Sun and Moon in Past Life Analysis

Astrology often raises deep questions about our existence, origins, and the journey of our souls. One significant aspect is how the positions of the Sun and Moon in our birth charts can reveal insights about our past lives. Let's explore this fascinating topic and understand how our past life experiences shape our current journey.


The Concept of the Multiverse in Vedas


In Hindu cosmology, the universe is not just a single entity but part of a multiverse. Each universe undergoes cycles of creation and destruction, and within each universe, there are multiple levels of existence.


The Levels of Existence


According to Vedic teachings, there are 14 levels of existence within the cosmic egg (Brahmanda). These levels are like floors in a 14-story building:


Satya Lok: The highest realm, the abode of Lord Brahma. Souls reaching here do not return.


Tapa Lok: Home to immortal beings with high knowledge.


Jana Lok: Realm of highly intelligent spiritual souls with amazing powers.


Mahar Lok: Place of great sages and rishis who practice intense austerity.


Swarga Lok: The realm of Indra and other deities, gandharvas, and apsaras.


Bhuvar Lok: The realm where souls go after leaving the Earth, ruled by the Moon and Venus.


Bhu Lok: Earth, where humans and other mortal beings live.


Below these are seven lower realms, collectively called the underworld (Narak Loka), which are ruled by Saturn and Mercury. These include realms like Atal, Vital, Sutal, Talatal, Mahatal, Rasatal, and Patala Lok, each with its own characteristics and inhabitants.


The Seven Lower Realms (Narak Loka)


Atal Lok: Ruled by Bala, the son of Maya. This realm is characterized by extreme indulgence in material pleasures, lust, and desires. There is no sign of spirituality here, and the world is illuminated by gemstones.


Vital Lok: A realm of materialism, representing ignorance and a lack of spirituality. It is inhabited by subterranean beings who are focused on collecting and extracting gold.


Sutal Lok: Governed by Bali, the king of Asuras. This realm is home to souls who have fallen due to their hunger for power and unethical actions. It is a place of weakness and decline.


Talatal Lok: Ruled by Maya, the demon and creator of illusions. Inhabitants of this realm are unaware of truth and reality, living in ignorance and prejudice.


Mahatal Lok: Ruled by the seven-headed Nagas. Here, souls struggle with understanding and overcoming their emotions, facing temptations, and learning self-control.


Rasatal Lok: Governed by the Danavas, this realm is filled with conflict and wrong actions. Inhabitants constantly engage in cruel and harmful behavior, often opposing the divine beings.


Patala Lok: The lowest realm, ruled by Vasuki, the king of serpents. This place is filled with malevolent intentions, hatred, and anger. The head of Vasuki illuminates this dark world, symbolizing the potential for wisdom even in the darkest of places.


The Importance of Sun and Moon in Past Life Analysis

The positions of the Sun and Moon in your birth chart, especially in the D3 chart (Drekkana division), can provide clues about your past life station and actions.


Sun in the D3 Chart:


If the Sun is strong and well-placed, it indicates a noble past life with high spiritual awareness.


If the Sun is in the sign of Jupiter, it suggests a past life in the uppermost heavenly realms (Devalok).


Moon in the D3 Chart:


A strong Moon indicates emotional maturity and past life experiences involving nurturing and care.


If the Moon is in the sign of Venus, it suggests a past life in Bhuvar Lok, where actions were balanced but lacked spiritual depth.


Understanding Your Past Life 


To determine your past life, follow these steps:


Identify the Strongest Planet: Look at your main birth chart (Rashi chart) and see which planet (Sun or Moon) is stronger based on its placement, exaltation, and aspects.


Analyze the D3 Chart: Locate the strongest planet (Sun or Moon) in the D3 chart and see which sign it occupies.


Interpretations Based on D3 Chart


Sun or Moon in Jupiter’s Sign (Devalok):


Indicates a past life devoted to spiritual practices and divine causes.


Such individuals often have difficulty blending with others due to their high spiritual awareness.


Sun or Moon in Moon/Venus’s Sign (Pitruloka):


Indicates a balanced past life but with a focus on material success rather than spiritual growth.


These individuals need to focus on spiritual development in the current life.


Sun or Moon in Sun/Mars’s Sign (Triyaga Lok):


Indicates a past life with more negative actions, leading to unresolved karmic issues.


Such individuals must work hard to overcome past mistakes and strive for self-improvement.


Sun or Moon in Saturn/Mercury’s Sign (Narak Lok):


Indicates a past life filled with material desires and illusions.


These individuals face significant challenges and must seek spiritual enlightenment to resolve their karma.



Understanding the placements of the Sun and Moon in astrology can provide profound insights into our past lives and guide us on our current journey. By analyzing these positions, we can uncover our past actions and work towards spiritual growth and self-improvement in this life. This knowledge empowers us to make conscious choices and strive for a better future, aligned with our true purpose.


Astrology, as described in the Vedas, offers a rich framework to explore our soul's journey through the cosmic multiverse, helping us understand where we come from and where we are headed.

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