Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri
Jan 23, 20242 Min Read
Karma of Ancestors -DKSCORE

Unlocking the Secrets of Ancestral Karma: Exploring the Influence of Past Actions on Future Generations

Our all actions -whatever we do in this life -good or bad is passed on to our kids and coming generations and this is why good or bad is shown in chart. In pending karma readings it is impossible to ask someone about past life so the easy way around this is -pin pointing some of the flaws of ancestors to confirm the pending karma of the native as well as astrovastu helps by pin pointing objects in and around house, So far this technique has worked all the time with exceptions of few who are not aware regarding their ancestors.

I was doing a reading for one of the native in USA around 6 months back and her brother was suffering medically- In chart i asked- your grandfather use to steal electricity and she replied -My grandfather use to work for Electricity department.

Electricity department but i need to know the theft part as there will be so many people working in electricity department but there has to be theft of electricity anyhow- at that point we were not able to confirm so she said -she will get back to me on this after finding some more details.

Anyhow after few months she has came back with details- Grandfather was taking advantage of the perks provided by government -and this has cause such problem to brother.

We need to be very careful of actions as every action -good or bad will be recorded.

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Deepanshu Giri

Deepanshu Giri

He is an engineer having completed his Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Deepanshu Giri is an Underwater Robotics Supervisor who has ser ...Read More

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