This amazing universe works so beautifully and always ready to help you only if you follow the universal rules and universal rules are different from what has been taught in this world.
Be Original and be in love with yourself that you forget everything else in life and you will start growing, focus on yourself and your growth so much that you forget everything else in life and you will grow.
Most people hate themselves so much that they are always interested in everyone else and finding their shortcomings to make sure everyone else looks bad, This is a human nature to tell as many bad things about person who is greater than you, the world has not enough praises to help people, appreciate them and be on the right side- Everyone abuses Ambani/Adani- Who has stopped you to buy their stocks and get rich along with them- no one Right ? But abusing someone gives pleasure as this satisfy the deep-rooted desire of you looking great by downsizing someone else.
90% Humans are deeply so confident about their ugliness that these people have given up on themselves, so they focus on how I can downsize others, on the other hand rest 10% focuses on themselves, their growth, health, wealth, family, happiness that they have forgot that anything else exist in this universe.
Focus on yourself and you will be the happiest person in this Universe as now your connection with yourself is great, Since people have nothing special about themselves their insecurities shout about other people, People who are happy in their life focus on how I can learn more, understand myself and help myself.
I tried and practiced this thought from last several years and got self immersed in myself in to learning Jyotish that I have forgot that world exist beyond this but this same thing has given me so much that i want everyone to try this and share with world as this thought is really powerful to grow in life.