Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri
Dec 27, 20223 Min Read
India — A Land of Religion -DKSCORE

Exploring the Spiritual Landscape of India: Uncovering the Impact of Religion on Society

Hate and Blocked heart chakra- Yesterday, two incidents happened in the group — One was a girl asking for marriage was heckled with inappropriate comments; secondly, the one was bullied for the simple question of visiting a Mosque.

This all is happening when the same people will be praying in their homes during Navratri for welcoming women into their houses.

What if I told you that I felt safer and welcomed in Iran and Syria than at any point in time I felt in Connaught place of Delhi as people were friendly and no one was staring like a beast with women companions with us.

It was very unusual for me to walk out of the bar at 2am in night in Dubai and not felt like someone will snatch my chain or try to rob me or when i can discuss religion with Egyptians and question quran without hesitation of being heckled and the discussion stopped on one line- Religion is “ If you can pass happiness to someone be compassionate towards nature, that is religion.”

I liked Syrian proverb for heaven -Women, water and Nature — If you have three in your house, you are living in heaven. How is it possible when we are declaring ourselves as the land of spirituality the most insecure environment for any human being is provided by us and especially outside religious places?

How can we be so dishonest to our own identity, forget religion even basic human decency is missing from people. “If Socrates would had been silent- He would have lived more”

Should not we address this issue in our society and ask this basic question that why we don’t have safe environment anymore which welcome other people rather than taking bad experiences with them of being looted by vendors, shopkeepers and stared at continuously.

Even in online groups of astro we have to point these people out who hide behind fake ids like wankers and in the name of astrology they are trying to pick up women as their filthy brain is unable to think anything beyond their sexual need like animals.

I am sure these people will be the loudest in the room when it will come to hate any other religion as this is what they are filled with as a person who is hiding in fake id have no compassion for other humans at all.

My request to every student is, be compassionate and open your small brain beyond religion and think about what is one thing which makes us human, There are good and bad in every religion in every country just because someone is climbing mountain from another end does not mean, the person is enemy.

Swadharma Nidhan Shrey, Parodharama Bahyawaye- Means It is better to die in your own religion and someone else religion will be of fear for you.

Determine what is your religion, Is it of hating other people, Is it of making fake id and hecking girls online and justifying your abusive language in name of religion.

Introspect very carefully so religion can rise in world, It is important that time to time we need to chuck out negative things from every religion so humans as a race can progress.

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Deepanshu Giri

Deepanshu Giri

He is an engineer having completed his Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Deepanshu Giri is an Underwater Robotics Supervisor who has ser ...Read More

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