Anahita  Rao
Anahita Rao
May 16, 20244 Min Read
Spirituality in Action: Embracing Practice Beyond Labels -DKSCORE

Beyond Labels: Exploring Practical Spirituality

Certain words and concepts, over time, get so overused that the essence of them gets lost and their meaning gets so obscured. Today, I’m going to address spirituality and spiritual practices, often referred to as 'sadhana', which is synonymous with spiritual practice. So, let’s dive into understanding why spirituality should be seen as a verb—an action—and not just a noun—a label.


Understanding Spirituality as an Action


In recent decades, particularly in the West, there has been a surge in interest in spirituality and mysticism. This has led to a lot of discussions and sometimes confusion about what it actually means to be spiritual. Are you more materialistic or are you more spiritual? And if you are spiritual, how do you measure that? These questions often lead to labels, and if today it's trendy to be spiritual, tomorrow the trend might be to be an atheist.


However, what truly matters is not the label but the practice—the regular, consistent spiritual actions you incorporate into your daily life. It doesn’t matter which groups you belong to or how much time you spend meditating. What matters is if you have a disciplined spiritual practice. This is what makes spirituality a verb, an ongoing set of actions, rather than just a static identity.


The Essence of Jyotish and Spiritual Practice


Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, much like broader spirituality, is not about conquering a set of principles only to rebrand them as new; it’s about understanding and applying ancient wisdom provided by the sages. The core lesson in both Jyotish and spiritual practices is about letting go, aligning with oneself, and harmonizing with the surrounding environment.


Over-intellectualizing or neglecting intuition can lead us to miss the essence of these ancient teachings. Remembering the simplicity behind these practices can help us stay true to their original intent.


Real-Life Application of Spiritual Principles


One of the real-life reflections of spiritual advancement is the sense of belongingness one feels with others and the environment. This connection extends beyond familial ties and material ownership. It’s about feeling a profound connection with all beings and the environment, recognizing the interconnectedness of all things.


This sense of belonging should circle back to oneself, helping one connect with their own inner divinity. This process is intrinsic to many, as we naturally seek connections that affirm our sense of belonging, be it through marriage or family. However, true spiritual advancement challenges us to extend this sense of belonging beyond immediate social or familial circles.


Levels of Spiritual Practice


Spiritual practices can be categorized into three levels:


Anvi Upaya: This includes practices like meditation, pranayama (breath control), mantra chanting, and yoga. These are foundational practices that require regularity to yield benefits.


Shakta Upaya: This level involves the stillness that comes after active practices. It is a subtle, more internal experience that arises only from disciplined practice, acknowledging the absence of the doer.


Shambhava Upaya: The most advanced level, this is about pure recognition or awareness, such as the profound insights that might come while observing a sunset or during a meaningful encounter.


The Role of Intuition in Spiritual Practices


Developing strong intuition is a crucial, albeit incidental, benefit of regular spiritual practice. Intuition is a different level of processing information, akin to a sense that helps you arrive at conclusions without logical steps. It enhances decision-making and reduces the stress associated with the overload of mundane choices in modern life.


In astrology, this intuitive sense is often associated with Ketu, the south node of the Moon, which represents intuition and spiritual inclinations without the interference of the logical mind.




Spirituality, when practiced as a verb, enriches our lives, aligns us with cosmic rhythms, and deepens our understanding of ourselves and the universe. It’s about consistent actions, deepening connections, and expanding our sense of belonging beyond the superficial. Remember, the journey of spirituality is about enhancing our lives and those around us through meaningful and disciplined practices.

If you're interested in exploring this topic further, check out the video below:


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Anahita  Rao

Anahita Rao

Anahita Rao was born in New Delhi, India and has lived and travelled across the globe.Influenced by her father’s deep interest and aptitude in vedic astrol ...Read More

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