
Date of birth and time Oct 9, 1928 , 04:50:00

  • Zodiac Sign Leo
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Rodden Rating: AA

Remembering Since 1984



Death:Death by Disease 11 April 1984 in Houston (Kidney cancer, age 55) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography BusinessOwner Biography

American business owner who started and ran a successful fence installation company in New Jersey from 1965 to 1977. Prior occupations included traveling salesman, apartment complex manager, and truck driver. He was also a private pilot who co-owned a single engine plane in the 1960s. He was an only child, and did not finish high school. He was exempted from military service due to a heart murmur. With his first wife he had three children, between 1950 and 1962 (one of whom died in 1979 in a traffic accident). He had two children with his second wife, whom he married in 1964. During the 1970s, he lived a double life: he had dealings with the mafia (as did many small business owners in New Jersey and New York back then), financial troubles with the IRS over unpaid taxes, and was cheating on his second wife with a divorced mother of three children. Personality-wise, he was a classic “strong silent type.” He was stoic, secretive, patient and even-tempered; also charismatic. Died of kidney cancer on 11 April, 1984 at home in Houston, Texas. He was 55. Read less

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