Death:Death, Cause unspecified 24 February 2001 (Age 83) chart Placidus Equal_H.
Norwegian geologist. He worked at the University of Bergen from 1949, and was appointed professor of Quaternary geology from 1967, and professor of marine geology from 1972. His father was Olaf Holtedahl who was professor of geology at the University of Oslo from 1920 to 1955. Holtedahl died on 24 February 2001 in Bergen, Norway. He was 83. Link to Wikipedia biography
Birth Date: Saturday, December 8, 1917
Birth Place: Oslo, Norway
As of the latest available information, there are no current news updates about Holtedahl Hans. Given the birth date, it is likely that Holtedahl Hans might not be active in public life currently.
There are no social media accounts associated with Holtedahl Hans. This could be due to the age and era in which Holtedahl was born, where social media presence is less likely.
There are no recent projects or publicly known activities associated with Holtedahl Hans. Considering the birth date, it is plausible that he might not be currently engaged in professional or public projects.
Holtedahl Hans was born over a century ago in Oslo, Norway. Due to the age, detailed and recent public information might not be readily available. For further historical and biographical details, one might need to refer to archived records or historical documents.
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