Death:Death, Cause unspecified 18 December 2019 chart Placidus Equal_H.
French theatre and film producer and actress.She died 18 December 2019, aged 101. Link to Wikipedia biography (French)
Full Name: Plessis Jacqueline
Date of Birth: Saturday, November 09, 1918
Place of Birth: Le Havre, France
As of the latest available information, there are no recent news updates about Plessis Jacqueline. Please check back later for any updates.
There are no known social media profiles for Plessis Jacqueline. Due to her age, it is possible that she may not be active on modern social media platforms.
There are no known recent projects associated with Plessis Jacqueline. Given her birth year, it is likely that she may not be currently engaged in public projects.
There is limited public information available for Plessis Jacqueline. For more detailed information, further research and sources may be required.
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