Priestly Helen

Date of birth and time Sep 29, 1925 , 12:30:00

  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
  • Rodden Rating: AA

Remembering Since 1934



Death:Death by Homicide 21 April 1934 (Body found, age eight) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Priestly Helen Biography

Scottish homicide victim, age eight when her body was found in a sack under the stairs of the Aberdeen tenement where she lived, 4/21/1934. She had gone to the store the prior afternoon to buy a loaf of bread for her mom, and never returned. Helen had dyed of asphyxiation and it was a suspected rape, which was later disproven. The neighbors were investigated, in particular, the Donald family. Helen had persisted in called Mrs. Donald "Coconut" until Jeannie Donald had hit Helen. The two families had maintained enmity since, not speaking. Human hairs were found in the sack with Helen which proved to be those of Mrs. Donald, and a part of a loaf of bread was found in her kitchen, the brand that Mrs. Priestly used. Jeannie Donald was arrested and went to trial in July 1934. It was concluded that she decided to teach Helen a lesson for her impertinence and had jumped out from under the stairs. Helen could have vomited in fright and choked to death. Mrs. Donald could then have simulated rape with some blunt instrument to deflect suspicion from herself before putting the childs body in the sack. The perpetrator was found guilty and given the death sentence, but this was later commuted to life. She was released in 1944 and disappeared from the public eye, dying in 1976. Read less

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Priestly Helen - Public Profile

Priestly Helen

Date of Birth: September 29, 1925

Place of Birth: Aberdeen, United Kingdom


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