
Date of birth and time Apr 30, 1956 , 16:03:00

  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Aries
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Rodden Rating: A



Social Crime Victimization 11 September 2001 (Survived attack) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography TerroristSurvivor43446 Biography

American survivor of the Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. She was in the upper storys of Tower Two and worked her way down the stairs to escape without a scratch. Even though she worked on the 13th floor she had arrived late and was just at the entrance of Tower 2 when the first jet hit the other building. She stood in rapt attention watching the spectacle until her co-workers rushing down from above bore her away Read less

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