
Date of birth and time Dec 30, 1903 , 15:32:00

  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
  • Rodden Rating: C


Ai Generated Biography AccidentFireIroquoisThtr Biography

American accident, fire broke out at the Iroquois Theater. Over 1900 people, mainly women and children were in attendance at the holiday matinee of the popular musical "Mr. Blue Beard, Jr." At least 600 perished, including only one of the 500 performers and crew, the tightrope artist caught high above the stage. The fire was attributed to a hot light against a velvet curtain, The flames spread quickly since the canvas backdrops had been painted with flammable paints and the theater , which had only been opened about a month, lacked fire extinguishers, hoses, and other fire-fighting equipment. Some of the exit doors had locked gates in front of them, while other gates required the use of levers to open them. In the ensuing panic, people were crushed to death or died of smoke and flames. The fire was put out within half an hour, and the theater re-opened less than a year later under a new name, The Colonial, which closed in 1925. Read less

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