Herzberg Gerhard

Date of birth and time Dec 25, 1904 , 04:00:00

  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Libra
  • Rodden Rating: A

Remembering Since 1999



Social : Begin a program of study 1924 (Started at the technical university)

Social : End a program of study 1928 (Doctorate of Engineering Physics)

Relationship : Marriage 1929 (Luise Oettinger)

Work : New Job 1930 (Darmstadt Institute of Technology)

Family : Change residence 1935 (Fled to Canada to avoid persecution)

Work : Begin Major Project 1939 (Three volumes of "Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure," 27 years to complete)

Death:Death of Mate 1971 (Luise died)

Work : Prize 1971 (Nobel Prize for Chemistry)

Death:Death, Cause unspecified 3 March 1999 (Age 94) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Herzberg Gerhard Biography

German physicist, known for his work in determining the structure of molecules, in particular free radicals. He won the Nobel Prize in 1971 for chemistry. One of Herzberg’s most important works is the three-volume "Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure," 1939-1966. His father died when he was 10, leaving his mother to support him and his brother. She immigrated to the United States where she worked as a housekeeper and sent small amounts of money back to her sons. As a child Herzberg was interested in astronomy and applied to study at Hamburg Observatory. Because of the family’s money problems, however, he was discouraged from pursuing his passion. During high school, he immersed himself in mathematics, physics and chemistry and caught the attention of the physics teacher, Herr Hillers, who took him under his wing. In 1924, aided by a private scholarship, Herzberg began his studies at the Technical University. By 1928 he had earned his Doctor of Engineering Physics degree and had published 12 papers. He went on to do his post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Gottingen and spent a second post-doctoral year at the University of Bristol. He took a position as a lecturer at the Darmstadt Institute of Technology in 1930, but five years later fled Nazi Germany with his Jewish wife. They settled in Canada where he took a position with the University of Saskatchewan, later moving to the U.S. to work at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin. In 1929, he married Luise Oettinger and had two children. His wife died in 1971. Herzberg died March 3, 1999 in Ottawa, Canada.. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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Herzberg Gerhard - Public Profile

Herzberg Gerhard - Public Profile

Birth Date: December 25, 1904

Birth Place: Hamburg, Germany


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Social Media

Gerhard Herzberg did not have any social media profiles as he lived in an era prior to the advent of social media platforms.

Recent Projects

Gerhard Herzberg was a notable physicist and physical chemist, known for his pioneering work in molecular spectroscopy. His most significant contributions include:

  • Research on atomic and molecular structure
  • Spectroscopic studies of free radicals
  • Work on the electronic structure of molecules

Other Information

Gerhard Herzberg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1971 "for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals." He passed away on March 3, 1999, but his legacy in the field of molecular spectroscopy continues to influence researchers and scientists around the world.

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