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Date of birth and time Jul 14, 1936 , 20:52:00

  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
    Moon Sign
  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
    Sun Sign
  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn
  • Rodden Rating: A


Ai Generated Biography Starlady Biography

American astrologer, known as a character who floats her ample size through a conference in a flowing dress and a huge, magnificent hat. When asked where she got her hat, she quips, "I made it. Darling you cant buy trash like this." Anti-authoritarian to the max, she began the study of astrology in 1969 after an astrologer impressed her with a consultation. She had a talk show in Hawaii in the 80s and wrote a humor column, "Strictly off the Cusp" for two years in Miami Beach, FL. She left Florida in August 1992 to escape hurricane Andrew and traveled in her RV to Arizona to see her family, along with further travels for a year and a half. Starladys history includes two marriages, three kids and more than a few wonderful lovers. She writes and plays in parodies of musical comedy and does a comedy act. Living in New Orleans, LA in the 90s, she sings in Jackson Square and is writing a memoir. In November 1964, she had an OBE experience while in a coma for three days. Read less

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Starlady is a fictional character, so there is no public profile information available.

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